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Blood clot: Four signs in your arm - 'alert your doctor as soon as possible' There are several signs and symptoms of blood clots. They are important to spot, as blood clots can cause deep vein thrombosis (DVT). This can be dangerous and you will need quick medical attention. Arterial clots in the brain are called strokes. Clots can also form in the heart arteries, causing heart attacks. Stop the Clot, the health site, says there are several symptoms of a blood clot in the leg or arm.
These include swelling, pain or tenderness not caused by injury, skin that is warm to the touch, and redness or discolouration of the skin. Stop the Clot health site says: "If you can recognise these signs and symptoms, you can save your life or the life of a friend or family member." It adds: "If you have these signs or symptoms, alert your doctor as soon as possible."

After a friend of mine had his second vaccination he noticed his arm was very sore and reddish. It started to swell over the next few hours and that evening was really quite sore. For the next couple of days he thought it must have been the injection and the needle, but it got worse and not better. On my advise he called the doctor and what joy ( NOT NOT NOT ) that experience was.

A receptionist asked what was wrong and he told her he was not going to discuss his medical needs and worries with a receptionist as she was not trained and this was private between him and the doctor / nurse and not shared with a receptionist and she didn't like this at all, but his words were absolutely correct, she has not signed up to confidentiality like a doctor or nurse, she is a receptionist and NOT A DOCTOR so why was she even expected to ask for medical input when it is not her job or expertise.

The receptionist told him a nurse would phone him back within a week - to INTERVIEW HIM ON THE PHONE to see if what was wrong with him warranted a PHONE INTERVIEW with a doctor and NOT a face to face.

After he waited the week for the nurse's 'interview' and where his arm was now really painful, swollen and sore and interrupting his daily work, the nurse tried everything in her power to down play the seriousness of his complaint and would not, absolutely would not offer a face to face with the doctor until he LOUDLY complained about how serious this was and although he kept stating how his symptoms ONLY CAME ABOUT AFTER HE HAD THE SCOND JAB - and she absolutely saw no correlation in this at all, and so much for all the advise about the dangers involved - if your very own doctor and nurse claim nothing is wrong while all the media shout and scream warnings being ignored by the so called professionals.

ONLY because on my insistence he keep stating this only came about AFTER THE VACCINE and how sore his arm was and ONLY because he insisted on a face to face with a doctor did the nurse eventually give way and make him an appointment - for yet another ten days time.

So by the time he had a face to face with the doctor - in all - it was over 3 weeks and yet this article above stipulates the seriousness, the dangers and the risks involved with this exact same thing and yet the nurse and doctor here didn't seem to think it was anything to worry about while everyone else seems to consider this of MAJOR IMPORTANCE.

So what is the use in the NHS and why are we suppose to be so in awe and admiration for what they do when they do not - quite simply - offer a very good service at the moment and there is absolutely no reason why doctors cannot offer the face to face service they always have as everyone should wear a mask or no appointment. The service we are being offered, which may I remind you all IS NOT FREE AS WE PAY FOR IT THROUGH OUR TAXES - IT IS NOT FREE - is appallingly slow and inferior to what it should be even in normal times let alone during a pandemic.

Is the NHS here for us Or are we here for them ?

There seems too much attitude being thrown at patients by those who should have a better bed side manner ( and that includes receptionists who always seem to have some kind of screwed up attitude anyway ) and the Hippocratic oath seems to have been overlooked and ignored by many.

When we are being warned against problems like this above and where doctors and nurses are ignoring blatant signs of problems and doing absolutely NOTHING AT ALL to help a patient in need, then I do question how good and how supportive and exactly HOW BUSY AND STRESSED THEY TRULY ARE as when we see empty wards with dozens of empty beds - WHERE ARE THOSE NURSES AND DOCTORS as clearly, we are being offered a very second rate NHS despite the claims to the contrary.

The lack of interest in my friend, especially after all the warnings, was appalling and trust has eroded hugely in the system if this is what happens, three weeks to get an appointment even after warnings were on the TV News and all over the media yet this doctors surgery saw absolutely nothing important or worrisome even after all the public warnings.

My friend was eventually sent for an X ray and even then, nothing concerning Covid 19 and the injection was ever mentioned by the hospital. Seems the public warnings are either fake and just done to keep people in fear, or if it is real, then someone needs to inform the NHS of the dangers and get them to get their act together and take this complaint seriously and not keep putting people off with three week delays.

And we clapped for the NHS - yet they offer this appalling service and no excuses, there are simply - no excuses and stop using Covid 19 as an excuse, as that's all it is, an excuse to cut services... PERIOD.

With so many deaths being recorded as being caused by the very doctors and nurses who are suppose to help, not make it worse, the NHS has a very bad reputation - like all health care around the world, of not always giving the best to the patient and causing - actually causing, death by mismanagement of their therapy.

Never just assume you are in good hands. Never assume anything.

My friend got absolutely no joy from the NHS and has had to put up with his arm being sore and uncomfortable and over time, many many weeks, it seems to have reduced in swelling and redness and is settling down but NO THANKS TO THE DOCTOR AND NHS WHO DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHNING AT ALL DESPITE ALL THE WARNINGS.
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