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covid arm

John. I am writing to ask if you could share this on your Blog and see what others have to say on the subject.

I had both my Covid jabs a couple of weeks aftert receiving a Flu Jab, both some time ago and ever since I have had a bad arm. The blood vessel seems more pronounced and the whole arm is stiff and aches.

Tried making an appointment to see a doctor to be told I had to wait 2 weeks and then the nurse would phone and interview me to see if I was ill enough, or what my complaint was, in order to ascertain if I was sick enough to actually see a doctor face to face and I was told even after that, it could be some 3 - 5 weeks before I actually get to see a doctor face to face and sorry John, but that stinks.

We are told to clap for the NHS but other than Covid, the NHS is doing half the jobs they were doing before and as my local surgery use to be full every day - and now it takes weeks and weeks just to get an appointment and where the doctors surgery is now empty - using Covid as an excuse is precisely that - an excuse to give bad service.

Anyway - my arm has been getting sore and stiff more and more and especially in the evenings when I relax and it throbs and is awkward laying in bed.

The governments own wb site states :-

These side effects may affect your ability to do daily activities, but they should go away in a few days. Some people have no side effects.

Serious side effects that could cause a long-term health problem are extremely unlikely following any vaccination, including COVID-19 vaccination. Vaccine monitoring has historically shown that side effects generally happen within six weeks of receiving a vaccine dose. For this reason, the FDA required each of the authorized COVID-19 vaccines to be studied for at least two months (eight weeks) after the final dose.

and yet when a patient presents themselves with what is thought to be a Covid 19 Vaccine problem SO MUCH FOR STUDYING PATIENTS FOR UP TO TWO MONTHS when the truth is, I am left worried - as I have heard so many conspiracy theories and heard about how many are afraid to take the vaccine because of ill affects caused by it, and here I am having trouble and the NHS are not interested. Even their own web site display below states to seek care from a doctor and when you do, all you get is fobbed off with absolutely no care or worry at all. Not a thought. Cold and impersonal.

I DO NOT BUY HOW WE ARE ALL TO BE BEHOLDEN ON THE NHS FOR DOING THEIR JOBS WHEN IT APPEARS TO MORE AND MORE PEOPLE THAT THEY SIMPLY - ARE NOT. Half my local hospital is closed. Dozens of wards empty. Nothing happening on those wards so - what are the staff doing as they are NOT doubling up on Covid - they simply are not to be seen.

Have any of your readers had any problems with the vaccine as other than this, I am fine and as stated, maybe the combination with a short tIme of having a Flu Jab in the same arm and then a few weeks later the Covid jab... could this cause the problem ?

If any of your readers have answers or observations it would be good to hear someone elses point on this as I am getting absolutely no help from the NHS at all, just wait wait wait and in the meantime, it gets worse and worse.

Should I go to A&E and sit for 8 hours to be patrionised and condescended to as it's not a knife wound or a heart attack ?

I am concerned - as many are these days, afraid the NHS are not offering the service to non Covid patients and using Covid as an excuse.

Thanks John. Gerrald.

If you can help, if you know something or have experienced something similar, get in touch and share your story and your truths. JB


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