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HHHHH - Hairy, Hung, Handsome, Horny X RATED

Some of your e mails from last week:

Thank you for all the hot Russian naked men you offered last week John, it really made it a more personal thing when I think of the Russians invading Ukraine. We see men in uniform when inside those uniforms is a mothers child, someone's brother, father, uncle, fuck buddy and friend. Each face we see in the news is scared, regardless of which side they are on. Young Russian soldiers drafted into a war zone where they thought they were to play War Games - and the horror these lads face is appalling. There seems to be a Russian look and you caught it beautifully last week and thanks John. Naked men the world over are a thing of wonder. Josh H.

Josh: Beautiful and thoughtful consideration of everyone involved as we are all as scared and nervous and appreciating these young soldiers and their fear is as valid as any. John Bellamy.

If only mankind fucked more and fought less. Maybe if straight men were allowed a sex life as active as many gay men enjoyed, then there would be less problems about. I think sex is a major cause of trouble as most men are sexually frustrated and this causes resentment and trouble between people and - ultimately, I seriously believe this leads to fucked up people living fucked up lives and causing and creating wars between people and all because some men are not getting enough, if any at all, and this unhealthy agenda stirs up trouble. Tony H.

Tony: I agree 100%. You took the words right out of my mouth. I can tell you have been reading my stuff for a while.. ha ha

John Bellamy

Loved your Russia naked men in the Blog John. Good timing to remind us all that these soldiers are just someone's son and they are just as scared as well as being hot and sexy. Robert D.

Especially loved the naked Russians in your Blog. Having lived in Moscow for ten years I miss the Russian look having been home for two decades. I rarely found any decent dick in Russia though, a few really huge ones and a lot of under average cock but few in-betweens. Is that just my experience or does someone else have a similar experience. Sean.

I had a Russian boyfriend for some years and while this was here in the UK, he did have a very different world view of things compared to us in the west and it took a long time to see his point of view and for him to see mine. The utter brain washing of the Russian people through the media was apparent and sickeningly untruthful, but then, who is to say ours is not full of Fake News after all. Who can tell. Michael .

My Ukrainian lover returned home at the beginning of this war as he was afraid for his family. He has lived here in London for 15 years and we holiday together with his Parents every year in Ukraine and it is a vast and beautiful country. His family were in Kyiv and I am so scared as I have not heard and do not know where they are and if they are safe or if I will ever see him again. He called a while ago as they were planning to leave the city in a family truck but have not heard since. These are frightening times and I live in fear for his safety and that of everyone - all innocence - being brutally shelled from Russian men also afraid of what they are doing and equally as appalled at what they are being asked / forced to do.

I live from hour to hour and day to day and try his mobile every few hours but it does not connect. I have not slept in days and fear the worst.

Victor. John: Since e mailing concerning my partner in Ukraine, he has been in touch. His family got out of Kyiv days before the major shelling and took some elderly disabled neighbours with them as his Pa is a delivery man and has a large van and they managed, if slowly, to leave the area and is now safe, for the time being. I have to admit that when he called and I heard his voice - we both broke down in tears - me for worrying myself sick over him, and he for the loss of his family home and business and life that will never be the same again. I have no idea what the future holds but at least - for now - I know they are all safe and trying to get to the UK. While I have a large house, not sure I want his whole family here ... but know it is probably the only thought at the moment as at least they will be safe. I keep reminding myself, IT IS NOT ALL ABOUT ME.

Victor. John: My Russian partner ( 12 years now ) has never got over the arrogance and condescending manner instilled in him from birth that Russia is the greatest nation and everyone else is inferior. I do remind him all the time he lives in the UK and if Russia is so great, why is he here ? But then we both know the reasons and it has a lot to do with how his family were persecuted back in the 70's and they fled to various parts of the world and it took years for all the family to find each other again, and while I acknowledge his love for 'The Motherland' , if that motherland persecutes anyone with a different viewpoint and people mysteriously vanish overnight never to be seen again, then one cannot feel safe and secure however much you love your country. This recent war has been so hard on him and his Russian friends fearing the worst and it is the unknown that is so torturous for all concerned.

We live day to day. Arnold.


Non Russians - as far as I know - below.

watch closely and see if below - it winks at you ....


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