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I despair, I really fucking despair.

I have been sharing e mails with this - person - who has been signed up to my data base since May 2017 - and he claims that EVERY SINGLE NEWSLETTER I HAVE SENT -- so around 260 newsletters, plus ALL EXTRA PROMOTIONAL E MAILS SENT - he claims to have MISSED ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING and it all went into his SPAM FILTER and it absolutely exasperates - it REALLY exasperates - especially when he asks about himself hosting a workshop weekend at Hamilton Hall he feels there is a need for here that I have been offering for 15 years and he - BIG SIGH - MISSED THE ENTIRE THING - FOR 15 YEARS AND HE MISSED IT ALL.... and all while being on my data base for the last 7 years.

What more can I do ??????

It TRULY EXASPERATES especially when he gets snitty with me and then apologises when I tell him off for his attitude.

Not sure what I am expected to do. We have been on telly over a dozen times and millions tuned in.

Front page of our local paper 4 or 5 times.

Interviewed for an article in The Times newspaper.

Whole page editorials in H&E Magazine several times. Whole page editorial / advert in Boyz

Adverts in the printed media with 1/4 page adverts.

A multi million read web site.

We are also on over 15 various web sites - LGBT and otherwise - as a MEN ONLY HOTEL

We have a Data Base with tens of thousands of e mail addresses to send promotional material to

and the weekly NEWSLETTER that is the only one of its kind in all of the UK for our community, as you won't get a weekly newsletter from any gay venue, organisation, charity, ECC - Caffmos - anyone - NO ONE OFFERS AS MUCH AS HAMILTON HALL on a weekly basis and through this multi million read web site.

We even have our new YouTube channel where you can see the whole hotel and so much more.




Last Sunday morning a customer rang and asked if he could pop round with his lover in afternoon between 2.30 - 3pm as they wanted to discuss something with me, so although it is Sunday and we had plans ( as we were empty that weekend and you make the most of it ) to go and spend the day walking the dog and having a carvery and all sorts;- so we changed our plans accordingly as I respect this customer and thought it would be good to see him and we might get a good reservation for the future.

He turned up at 3.30pm to deliver something for one of my staff and said he had a 90 year old women in the car and wasn't hanging around and as I asked -

'Have I come all the way back here today, wasting my one free afternoon - on a rainy Sunday - when I had plans, and all you want is 2 minutes of my time to deliver something that isn't even for me - and now you have completely messed up my whole day and WTF ?'

He completely didn't get it and I was - mildly - well actually really pissed off with him. What a fuck up on a Sunday afternoon. It is so disrespectful of my time.




Our father, who are in prison

My Mum knows not his name

Thy riots come, we read in the Sun,

In Birmingham, as it is in London.

Give us this day our welfare bread and forgive us our looting,

as we're happy to loot those who defend stuff against us;

Lead us not into employment but deliver us free housing;

For thine is the TV, the Burberry and the Bacardi

Forever and ever ... Innit !




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