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time changes all of us.

I worked out at the gym for 15 years. I was in fabulous shape. But times change, priorities change, body types change and sometimes it is sad to see.
Below are some examples of body builders after they give up the gymn, age, have surgery or - simply - get old.

To be honest, it makes me feel so much better about myself. As I look in the mirror and wonder where it wll went wrong.. ha ha .. where the toning and washboard all went. I do know it was because I quit the gymn when I started running the 'Gay Spiritual Group' as I had less time available and the spiritual group was more important than the gymn.

I do wonder what medical problems these guys are left with as I cannot workut because of arthritis in my hands and all my joints and cannot hold a bar bell.

It is also - sad. To see people in theior prime - the youth, the skin, the vibrancy and the sparkle, and how it fades with age and how the body declines and - well - the flower of youth is wasted on the young.

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