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Your chance, as it always is, to have your say.

This Newsletter is not all about me.

This newsletter is yours.

I get a certain amount of input from others but primarily 95% is down to me,.

So with so many readers

And with so many gay men having an attitude -

And with so many gay men with opinions -

Here is your opportunity to speak your mind, share your thoughts, have your say, put your penny's worth in, have a moan, compliment, thrill or scare - BUT HAVE YOUR SAY.

Have your say and let's share your thoughts. Any subject you like, Anything at all. Here are a few ideas below and here is your chance, as it always is, but many need encouragement to speak up or they complain... so here you go guys, get e mailing and get your thoughts shared with others.

If you stay in the closet and you stay dumb and you stay silent, don't complain about what others say and do when you have many opportunities to speak up.

You all have a voice.

You can all share through this site.

But - If all you are doing is venting your anger and resentment, it will be ignored. CONSTRUCTIVE INPUT GUYS - ONLY.

Advertise your company / business / service FREE OF CHARGE.

Suggestions for topics.

My first time.

Dealing with the gay media.

What was Stonewall ?

Being married and gay.

Being a gay dad.

My wife doesn't understand me.

How I cope with bigots at work ?

I took an LGBT cruise, this is what it was like.

I went to gay Blackpool, this is what I found ?

Living with a too tight foreskin.

Being a gay ( Grand ) Father.

Since retiring, my days are empty / full ...

Since turning 60 I cannot get a stiffy.

What are the best things about being gay ?

My wife found out I like men.

My teenage son's mate from school keeps flirting with me, the Dad figure. What should I do ?

Sex has never been better /worse since retiring.

Since the lockdowns I just haven't been the same.

Why are gay men so horrendous to others with HIV ?

Lonely at 65 ?

There is nothing for us older gay men.

The LGBT scene is so fractured.

My favourite part of a mans body is ....

The best naturist beach is - .

I had a bad reaction to the Covid jabs - Has anyone else ?

The best gay hotel is ( need you ask ... )

Are you trans and experiencing bigotry ?

I was arrested for cottaging. This is my story.

Is the gay scene homophobic ?

Have you ever been abused by the police / church / family for being gay ?

Gay men and Lesbians, what - if anything - do they have in common ?

Is there a gay community ?

So there you go, just a few deas for you to write about and I don't mean all of them all in one e mail... Just suggestions.

Dear John:

I am a member of another gay mens group and heard some wonderful things about Hamilton Hall from other members and some who spoke highly and some who did not and it was the ones who did not that really got my interest.

How anyone can have an opinion without ever attending is beyond me.

How anyone can complain about someone offering ANYTHING as a NOT FOR PROFIT VENUE is beyond ignorant, in my opinion.

Such stupidity.

So I had to check out your web site and cannot believe I have missed your venue for so many years ( 24 actually ) and cannot believe you have offered this Newsletter so freely since Lockdown as a way of keeping people 's heads together and a reminder about HH, and I was right impressed.

I have now booked for a week in July ( Naked July and I cannot wait ) and am really excited to meet you and HH and to experience this amazing venue so many talk about.



John: You will not remember but you and I had sex together over a decade ago. ( and you still remember ??? )

You instructed me at the time to seek medical attention for my very VERY tight foreskin.

It strangled my dick head if and when it retracted as I had to loose a hard on to get the foreskin back over the head.

It caused great discomfort and pain.

You suggested partial - or complete circumcision.

Your dick had was huge John and obviously because you were circumcised when young.

I was circumcised a couple of years ago and remember your advise about using lube and how different it was to wank and I have to say you were right. Best thing I had done. Loved my foreskin and love other mens - but the pain and discomfort put me right off sex and even wanking was so very sore and now - HIP HIP HOORAY JOHN. Miss playing with my foreskin but it had to go and I have learned I have a while new toy to play with that is not sore, is not smelly, has no smegma any more and is great stuff. Still love foreskins, mine was just far too tight. Joseph.


John. I don't think I have ever met anyone with such big balls as you.

Not your physical balls, but your gumption, your guts, your bravery to take on so many subjects and have a valid opinion I don't always agree with but dear God John, the bollocks on you HAVE to be made of steel and I am very impressed. I am in the States and we do have some opionated gays here but so many are full of shit, very insecure, full of a fucked up attitude and many are so self seeking it makes me sick. There are some vile people on the gay scene here and I am sure there as well and I absolute admire you for suffering it as long as you have .

Bradley P.

(Oakland - California )


I think I should hate you John Bellamy.

Trouble is, I so admire you.

Have you any idea how well you are thought of in my world.

Spiritually, you are certainly a leader.

Sexually - I remember your Tantra Workshop and your Cock & Ball weekends I had with you with great joy and learning and no one has ever taught me as much, gone as far and personally demo's on themselves - making it so much easier to learn.

Self Reflection / Development - I always thought was for those with mental health but you showed me differently and how wonderful.

This was all over a decade ago now, but I still remember my weekends with you as some of the best weekends of my whole life.

My wife died last year ( 2023 ) so I should be more free to come and see you again.

Clive B.


I was in a mess. Sex work did not agree with me but was all I could do. Wasted all my money on drink and drugs. Was a mess emotionally and with the biz. Then met you. God you talked a lot. Hated you at first until I started to listen. The way you were in the sex industry. So different to how I saw things. You seemed to have it all together. Another reason to hate you. But I listened and made notes. Changed the way I saw my punters ( clients as you called them) and saw myself in their shoes and what a difference that made. It's been a couple of years now and because of you i saved my money - put a deposit on a flat in south London and thanks to Ikea, it is a delight. Would never have bought my own place if it was not for you. Went self employed and everything, just as you said. You may be a nut, but you are a wonderful man John and I have to thank you for helping me turn my world around. Still doing sex work but from a very different head space. Andy .


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