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March 2022 Astrology by Gary O'Toole


I've had a keen interest in astrology (more like an obsession!) from an early age and continue to study and perfect my skills in Jyotish ('Vedic' or Indian astrology). I love that this wonderful art and science continues to offer its gems the more I explore. I have studied with various Vedic astrology teachers since 1996, including Pearl Finn and Komilla Sutton. Visti Larsen and Freedom Cole have been helpful guides, as has their teacher Sanjay Rath.

I trained in counselling and studied Ayurveda with the American Institute of Vedic Studies and at the International Academy of Ayurveda. ​I am a member of the British Association of Vedic Astrology and lecture at their annual conference. ​I have authored a book titled Cosmic Bodies: The Ayurvedic Astrology Guide to Health & Well-Being, available on Amazon and am currently working on a book about timing techniques titled Timeline Astrology.

March 2022
Sidereal Transits

March is the last full month of the lunar nodes in Taurus/Scorpio, a transit that has reflected a lack of resources and much fear. The month sees them form an even more powerful configuration with all planets on one side, lining up in just two signs. This occurs for the last few days of February and first few days of March, reflecting a highly reactive and divisive period. On Mar 3, Venus and Mars line up with Pluto. This is Venus’ third pass of the hidden realms, bringing up all sorts of power struggles. Now joined by Mars, there is likely to be many explosive events that leave us longing for peace. Mars and Venus continue to transit close together through March, especially until mid-month. At this point, we may be a little jaded with the intensity.

The Sun moves into Pisces on Mar 14 and out of Saturn’s signs, although it still receives a strong aspect from Saturn until mid-April. Mercury enters Pisces on March 24, where thinking more creatively is a better use of the time than trying to figure it out rationally. We are likely to cling to any kind of thought that brings reassurance, even if it is not actually true. From March 26, the Moon’s entry into Capricorn triggers the nodal axis in a strong way again, with all visible planets in just three signs. This points to further volatility and change, and more uncertainty about how we should change. Venus joins Saturn near the end of Capricorn by March 28, at the degree where Mars is exalted and conjunct Saturn in early April. Together with the nodal axis in full force, and Neptune having come to the end of Aquarius, there are many things hanging in the balance at this time.

Pluto in Aquarius

On Feb 18, 2022, Pluto entered the Aquarius 9th division of sidereal Capricorn. It will remain here until it retrogrades back to the Capricorn division, of Capricorn, by July 14, before re-entering the Aquarius division by Dec 26.

This shows a subtle, yet important, shift in 2022, as Pluto moves all of its focus from Capricorn, placing some on Aquarius. 'Necessity is the mother of invention'.

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Read more about Gary O'Toole - CLICK HERE

Gary O’Toole


Movement Coach

Ä€yurvedic Lifestyle Counsellor

+ 353 (0) 91 577713



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