Is a PSA Test for prostate Cancer accurate.
Christmas 2021 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I had been very ill for over 8 months with a Urinary Tract Infection that laid me...
What is the difference between a religion and a cult?
What is the difference between a religion and a cult? By Warren Kramer Only the ill-informed are gullible enough to believe there is no...
if you don't laugh, you cry.
- HOME PA GE BL OG HOME PAG E DI ARY OF EVENT S copyright © 2024 Hamilton Hall Productions. All rights reserved. TO BE DELETED FROM OUR...
I have a question about this picture here ? Why would a straight man want to suck a dick on a half transitioned trans women - or a...
Vegans and the actual truth
Recently, a Vegan who stayed made the claim - rather untruthfully like many vegans - that there were around 11% of people in the UK who...
Your input is requested
You are always invited to send in your articles, editorials, free adverts and comments on anything in - or to add to - this Newsletter...
NO MEANS NO - and I don't have to give a reason.
John: I booked an aisle seat on an international trip and upon sitting down a woman asked if I would switch to a middle seat so she...
cut v uncut
Which do you prefer - CUT or UNCUT COCK ? Both have their advantages. Cut cock is 60% less likely to get HIV. Uncut cock can suffer from...
driving naked and picking up a hitch hiker...
Dear John: When I came and visited you last summer at Hamilton Hall , if you remember, I had a small campervan. After reading your...
A Reality Check
I found this 'on line' and completely agreed with everything it says. How about you ? HOME PA GE BL OG HOME PAG E DI ARY OF EVENT S...
'Oh no you don't.' - Stars ban the use of their music at any Trump rally.
Donald Trump presumably didn’t intend to pick a fight, but that’s precisely what he did by selecting an iconic song for his latest...
Why do so many enlightened people claim we don't really exist? What is the basis for such a statement.
Christopher Martin Contemplative philosopher I see three ways of approaching this question: 1) simply to address the basis of the...