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NO MEANS NO - and I don't have to give a reason.

John: I booked an aisle seat on an international trip and upon sitting down a woman asked if I would switch to a middle seat so she could sit near her husband. I told her no and she got mad. How should I have handled this? Geoff

It’s not your fault that she didn’t book the seat that she wanted. PLUS: 99 times out of 100, when a person asks to switch seats on a flight, it is a SCAM…they are just looking to get an “upgrade” to what they want for FREE, at YOUR expense. That all said, here is how I handle it, when someone asks ME to switch seats on a flight:


That's it- just a simple ' Nope.'

I don’t give any explanation at all and if they ask me why not, I just repeat - 'NO - WHICH PART OF NO DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND - AND BESIDES - WHY SHOULD I - I PAID FOR THIS SEAT .'

Why should I let someone try to make me feel guilty for keeping what I bought and paid for? Why should I be willing to let someone STEAL my seat? Simply…I WON’T.

I remember flying from Boston to Mexico City once in first class with my partner and there was a man and his wife - he was in first class and she was in tourist class and she came up during boarding and asked if I would swap so she could be with her husband - both in first class, and to be honest, after I stated

' So you want me to swap and end in tourist class even though I have paid for first class and you want ME - NOT to sit with my partner so YOU can sit with yours - is that what you are asking ?'

The arrogance and condescending attitude she gave me was

' Well yes, I WANT to be with my husband.' and I stated clearly in my best British accent

' Then you should have booked and paid for two tickets in first class ,'

But she wouldn't leave it at that and started making a scene - getting loud and obnoxious ( typical American Karen expecting everyone to bow down to what she wanted / demanded ) - while her husband kept very quiet - and as the cabin crew became aware of what was going on and tried to get her to take her correct seat, she kept making a fuss until I just barked ' FUCK OFF LADY - LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE.'

( It's also amazing what a good British accent will do in these circumstances when in the USA... and I knew how to milk it... )

On that, the cabin crew called security and de planed her - while her husband kept his head down, looked and said nothing and continued with the flight without her.

After take off, the husband apologised and said he was going through an ugly divorce and he was going to Mexico on business - hence the company paid for his ticket, and she ' surprised ' him at the airport to come with him, against his wishes, and he was very apologetic and embarrassed.

The cabin crew in first class were also very apologetic and plied us with tons of free drinks and even gave me 6 small bottles of Amaretto to take with me at the end of the flight.

When a woman - for example - does not want sex and the man does, women always use the expression, 'NO MEANS NO' - yet when THEY want something - NO DOESN'T MEAN NO - and they push and push and push - and that's when my hackles go up and that's when I dig my heels in.

John Bellamy


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