I'm So Offended
There will always be those amongst you who will be offended.
Do not take it personally.
In fact, if someone tells you - you have offended them,- do not accept it as yours, at all.
Their being offended has nothing to do with you, what you say, what you do, who you pray to or anything else;- being offended is purely a personal thing.

And those who say they are offended - need to own it as theirs and theirs alone and stop blaming others, but examine WHY they feel offended - why the energy of someone else's words or deeds so offends. Why these energies are not compatible with their energies and why we are all so different.
For it is in our differences that we learn what it is to be God.
It is through our individuality that we realise how we are really, all about the 'One.'
When we see how others react for or against us, and we try in our minds eye to master 'why' they see things so differently, it is time to put yourself in their shoes and see what life plan - what journey - has chosen them as they have chosen the journey and why =- in whatever way possible, to comprehend why they take offense in the first place, as it is all a choice and people CHOOSE to take offense, and why a certain topic so offends, be it abortion, racism, sex, religion, or something as mundane as money, good looks or a different lifestyle.
Being offended is a choice and many choose to be offended as a manner in which to gain attention, for too many feel isolated in their individualism and that their words and deeds go without notice and praise. This self adulation need is common amongst those who have a lesser aspect of respect for themselves and those around them and of someone in need of love. Self love. Love from a parent. Love from a partner. Love from anyone so they can feel complete and whole, when they always were and always will be, whole.
Love starts within.
It has no where else to be birthed.
Love starts within the mind, body and soul of a person the moment it takes its first breath, opens its eyes and stares into its mother eyes for the first time, - so bonding that Mother - Child love bond that creates and nurtures life as you know it.

Not hate.
But love.
Religion teaches love.
It also teaches hate.
And separation of body and spirit. Man and God.
Separate. Which it is not. There is no such thing as separation.
( and there are those who take offense at us talking about man - and not saying women, trans, gay, etc. etc. and when we talk about man, it is not to cause offense as it limits conversation when you have to watch what you say and how you say it in case one odd person may take offense, and by odd I mean different, not wrong, just different.
We will always use a common language and if people are offended by this, then move on, move away, allow them to find their own speed in their own way and as with the Bible, Koran and all religious books and writings, they all speak the same truth but to a different group, a different mind set and a different ideology to others, but is really exactly the same thing, it's just some want theirs to seem bigger, better, 'the one and only' when the truth is - all religions and all realities are exactly the same thing.
But holy scriptures teach separation - being a single entity and not part of the whole. It teaches that you can never be one with God but that you can be in His ( male naturally - words chosen by man ) likeness and how you can behold the closeness of God by acting in certain ways and in certain manners, but as you are already the very essence of God - having an 'in body ' experience of ' not being God'- then you are not separate from anything at all and it is only your limited consciousness that causes and creates this separation, which is of your own making.

This separation is fostered within every child and we see it in the present movement of people of the Muslim faith assuming from their limited separate place, that all others are UnGodly and inferior and this separation from The Almighty - they call Allah - is a mistake man has chosen to accept rather than look beyond the separation and see all - ALL - as part of the 'one' - irrespective of colour, sexuality or religion. Assuming this is okay with God / Allah is an incorrect assumption to make as God / Allah - is made up of all that is - male and female - as everything in the known universe is made up the same - male and female, and all aspects of these two is totally acceptable even if intertwined with gay and lesbian, trans and what you incorrectly consider to be ' normal.'
Sex is not for procreation. It is a myth, and incorrect dialogue between your physical pleasures and your God within.
If you limit your communication with the Divine and deny yourself the pleasures of the body, then you limit your journey to your God as you limit yourself to the limits of physical pleasure. This then creates and fosters guilt, anger, resentment and hatred for those who use sexuality as a spiritual tool to enlightenment, and deny it as a false God and a falsehood as it is evil - ' the original sin'; and this fallacy, this delusion creates great disharmony to your inner core of who you are and what you can be and achieve. This manner of seeing everything that is of light and beauty being of the dark and ugly, is the opposite of truth and casts doubt and a misguided attitude which causes much destruction of the human experience.
If you enjoy chocolate, then eat chocolate.

Someone else maybe allergic to chocolate, but have no right to tell you not to eat it as they are not you, and they do not live in your body so have no rights or power over how often you eat chocolate, or anything else in life - or death - come to that.
Only you can deal with offense and those who choose to accept it as part of their ego minds way of gaining attention and how you react to those accepting offense, is feeding into their journey and denying your own.
Stand away.
Let them be.
You can try and share your reasonings- to help see things differently - but only as far as it is their journey - and not have you superimpose yours onto theirs, as who says you are right and they are not.
When any group tries to inflict their beliefs and their God / Allah on an unwanted people, then this mistake will bring great disharmony and please - realise that this is not in God's name, not on behalf of Allah or anyone or anything else other than the individuals - frightened by their separation, come together and rightfully or wrongfully - demand others join with them as that then makes them feel whole and a part of something bigger. No separation. A connection to ' all that they perceive to be - one.'- but is not at all.
They create a separation that holds them in one place and locks their conscious in one vibe - one frequency - and all other frequencies of God / Allah - The Universal Consciousness - are blocked by a mind so full of contradiction and demands to follow and be led - that in the end, nothing is created and life stagnates.
Where is the love in that ?
Don't buy into someone else taking offense.
John Bellamy
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