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Jail time - so keep your mouth shut.

After a few hard hitting articles on here concerning the illegal migrants and how they are taking over the county, and after receiving over 20 e mails applauding me for my views, and one appalled customer who was just rude and obnoxious in his complete denial of my right to say and do what I say and do - and after reading about so many people being sent to our already over crowded jails just for saying something - printing something - indicating something the authorities did not like and where it seems FREEDOM OF SPEECH has been severely limited and people are being jailed for simply voicing their opinions, then I am forced to limit what I say on here for fear of being jailed, and YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS - DON'T YOU ?

Our rights are being taken away from us.

Freedom of speech no longer exists.

We cannot congregate and share our opinions for fear of being arrested and where illegal migrants run riot over our legal system while we - if we voice concern, are pepper sprayed and jailed.

I was going to join an ANTI KNIFE AND ANTI ILLEGAL MIGRANT march this week but because of all the heavy handed police action recently where innocent people who have had enough of the rapes, murders and threats from illegal migrants, are being forced to remain silent for fear of persecution by the authorities who appear to be protecting the illegals against the legal - protecting the spongers against the tax payers - housing the illegals while leaving UK people homeless - ignoring the pedophilia gangs for fear the police might be called racist and in the long run the people of England are being treated as 2nd class citizens in our own country.

When we see mass immigration running out of control throughout most of Europe - and when we see our own government turning AGAINST its people and defending the illegal migrants - and when our own people are treated like criminals while defending their country, culture, religion and freedom of speech and congregation against a marauding gangs of illegal migrants carrying machetes - which would get any of us IMMEDIATELY arrested while NOTHING IS DONE against these ' terrorists' - because anyone walking down the road carrying a machete is - as far as I am concerned - a TERRORIST - and when we are threatened with arrest and jail, there is something very wrong with this country in dealing with this slow invasion, this drip drip influx of illegal migrants who seem destined and determined to take over the UK and turn it into something it is not and into something these migrants ran away from at home, yet seem to want to introduce it here - then isn't it time we - as in the government - listened to its people and banned certain street worship -as when someone calls Muslims to prayer in the middle of the street and nothing is done, and while a Christian preaching on a soap box is arrested - THIS SENDS A DESPERATELY LOUD MESSAGE AS TO WHO IS SEEN AS THE BADDY AND WHO IS PROTECTED UNDER THE LAW AND WHO IS NOT.

Ban the Burqa, Niqab, the Balaclava and all clothing used to hide the face in all public spaces.

Ban all street worship / parades without a license.

Ban the carrying of ALL dangerous weapons.

I suggest :- If ANY illegal migrant is in trouble with the police in any way - in the first 5 years of being here - IMMEDIATE DEPORTATION INCLUDING HIS WHOLE FAMILY.

New study shows 90% of the rise in violent crime in Germany is attributed to young male migrants

Any illegal migrant found molesting under age children or raping anyone, IMMEDIATE JAIL AND THEN IMMEDIATE DEPORTATION OF HIM AND INCUDING HIS WHOLE FAMILY.

Migrants coming here to study DO NOT BRING THEIR MOTHER AND FAMILIES WITH THEM and must return home after their course has finished.

The threat of deporting the whole family might be enough to stop this illegal practices taking place.

Single men migrants - to be turned away and deported immediately. Check out any picture of illegal migrants coming to the UK and - check out how many are women....NONE AT ALL.

People running from dangerous war torn areas are allowed in with evidence they are from the right country and the right location where the war is being fought. This is essential for families and NOT single men.

Anyone screaming for Shia Law to be introduced into the UK - Immediate deportation.

If this gets me into trouble with the authorities, for speaking my mind and voicing what millions are thinking, then there is no hope for the UK and all the government is doing is allowing a slow take over of our country and threatening us locals if and when we speak up against.

I am all for peaceful integration and a 'coming together' of cultures to live in respectful harmony.

I am completely against any form of violence - be it personal or in a march setting and I do not care what you are fighting for - or against - there is no room for violence.

I am actually even against war as it serves no purpose but to financially reward the arms industry and bankrupts a country and its people.

I agree we need Cultural Integration and where respect, value and worth are offered by both sides and not one trying to take over and dominate the other as that is NOT integration at all.

The people of the UK are under attack and largely, by our very own government and police force.


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