I have a question about this picture here ?
Why would a straight man want to suck a dick on a half transitioned trans women - or a false 'man-made' penis on a half transitioned trans man ? Makes absolutely no sense at all.
The idea is ludicrous and IS NOT TRANSPHOBIC AT ALL, that comment itself is beyond dumb
and it has nothing to do with bigotry and hatred towards trans people at all and is only seen that way by a very few fucked up trans who demand and offer the trans world no decent input at all.
Too many trans are DEMANDING RIGHTS that are simply not an issue until THEY MAKE IT AN ISSUE, like this very piece about straight men being transphobic and not wanting to suck a trans mans dick.
Of all the stupid, ludicrous, maddening load of bollocks.
Now :- A GAY MAN might want to have sex with a trans man but then, a gay man wants to suck a proper cock, one that feels what you are doing to it and not - essentially - has the feeling like you are sucking their finger.
A trans man with a cock is only an imitation cock and uses a penile implant to get hard and is simply for show and to pee through, it does not produce sperm and cannot enable the trans man to cum - period. You can suck it and play with it until the cows come home - and it will NOT lead to an orgasm.
If am wrong, I am sure someone will tell me.
I do not fancy vaginas. Not my thing at all. So am I displaying genital based bigotry - or is that very comment a lot of bollocks we know it - truthfully - to be ?

The trans community state that a transgender male can have a period ?
This happens when a man's gender identity doesn't match the body parts with which he was born. He may have even changed his appearance and social role to match his male identity, but he will still get a period if he retains his original female sexual organs and therefore IS NOT A MAN - he is a half transitioned trans man who is still largely a women, still has a womb and all the bits needed to actually have a baby so when it is claimed a trans man can have a period or a baby, this is misinformation because they cannot.
A new man made penis CANNOT produce sperm and cannot sire children.
If I visit a Chinese Restaurant, am I a bigot for not going to the Indian restaurant next door - or is it simply PERSONAL CHOICE... and if you are the Indian restaurant and you take offense, then you are denying me my personal choice and there is a name for that as well, and laws prohibiting.
The Transgender Rights Movement make a mockery, a joke, a stupid ideology that blinds people to the truth when they say these dumb assed things and it does the trans community no good at all. Stating 98% of straight men refuse to perform oral sex on a feminine penis, it clearly absurd.
It's laughable and makes the whole trans community look like they haven't a clue.
Many trans shoot themselves and their ' cause ' in the foot when they state such things as the above.

I have known scores of trans people over the years and have absolutely no problem with reassignment surgery if that is their want, and I TRULY admire those who do go through it all as it cannot be easy and must be painful, despite the problems with family and society... BUT ... when I am misled and lied to and if and when absolute bollocks is spouted as truths, then I will pull away and read the riot act of truth as - why are so many trans so confrontational and aggressive and why do so many claim they can have babies and make children when they cannot, UNLESS they STILL have the male and female body part needed and therefore, are not totally trans, they are half baked trans... and if anyone takes offense at being called ' half baked ' - then Babes - OWN IT. You cannot have your cake and eat it. Either you are a man or a women, anything in between has a completely different name altogether and I think we all know what that is.
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