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What would you do ? 2 stories for you to comment on.

As I have mentioned before, I am often in email correspondence with guys in Russia... and over the years have had as many as a dozen and they start off being my best friend telling me all about their lives and then within 6 months, they are asking for money.

I have been chatting with a Russian guy who is something like 24 years of age and is a dancer and I have heard all about his family, first sexual experience, how hard it is to be gay and then the army called at his door and he claims he has been conscripted into the army to fight in the Ukraine war and he has to go ' sign up' on July 29th, and he asked me for help.

To avoid and get away, he says he has a sister in Turkey but that he has no money for visas and air fare etc. and can I sent him £700, and when I said I didn't even have £700 - he actually asked if I could borrow the money from a friend or even take out a bank loan, and that's when even more alarm bells went off in my head.

You see, in all of these correspondence, it is always just a matter of time before money is mentioned and maybe I create the reality by expecting this as a result, and sadly, as so many times before, money seems to be the motivator.

First it starts as a small loan like £500 - and then it is increased to £1,000 and then later on the big one is asked for - the £10,000 - and then you never hear again.

I have heard this story so many times before and being an old hooker - you know - a street wise person who is there and half way back again - and who does not buy into bullshit and can smell it a mile off... I do feel for this guy if - IF - he is real .

We do know they are taking all young men into their army and I did advise him to think ahead because if I knew this was happening in Russia, then any self respecting gay man needs to stay abreast and gay or straight, if conscription is introduced and you are the right age, it is best to get the fuck out of there if and when you can and not day dream and sleep walk into a reality YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN COMING - and did nothing.... and then panic if and when the shit hits the fan.

So do I send money to help a young Russian lad avoid going to war - OR - is this all just bullshit.

He now tells me is cried all night when I refused money and is this real...

What would you do?


Maybe there is a sense of naivety in assuming it will never happen and maybe £700 is a lot for a Russian lad to save up... but the war is now 2 years old - we have been hearing about conscription being used as they are ' running out of soldiers' - and if we hear of this thousands of miles away, the people in Russia must know this as well, and is it a little naïve to do nothing until there is that knock at the door from the military and your world just falls out of your butthole ?

It is easy for me to say as this is the longest period the UK has not been directly involved in a war that used conscription in nearly 80 years and is the longest period of peace - my whole lifetime, and does that make us complacent ?

If in the 1940's a Jewish family got in touch and I refused them , and they were butchered, could I ever forgive myself ?

How do I know what is real and what - especially these days - what exactly is just another con by some despicable cunt of a human being praying on innocent people and those headed for a life changing conflict.

What would you do ?

*** Since writing this a couple of days ago, I have not heard a whisper from my Russian friend which, considering he wrote daily and expected an answer daily, is - er - par for the course.


Here is another story where your opinion is requested:-

I had great difficulty getting a confirmation payment to make the reservation out of someone whose credit card did not have enough clearance for the bill owed, and I was messed about with for 5 days while he fucked about in putting some money on the card to pay me with.

He had already changed his dates once and was charged £25.

He arrived looking like a Homeless person, a Bag lady - or exactly like Worzel Gummidge from the old TV programme, and with some carrier bags with a few things in, he was exactly like a homeless person.

Trouble from the start. Not listening and interrupting when we tried explaining the place to him.

Set the fire alarms off smoking in his room - TWICE WE TOLD HIM OFF AND TWICE HE PERSERVERED - stating as we did not have NO SMOKING signs in the bedroom he didn't know, which is dumber than dumb as it has been over 20 years illegal to smoke in public buildings and while this man clearly has some mental health thing going on, playing dumb does not get you anywhere with me. Using your mental health to act up and then use it as an excuse GETS YOU NOWHERE WITH ME -

and the state of him room was a complete disgrace.

We then discovered he has pissed his bed. Right through the quilt and mattress - all was soaked.

He then left in the middle of the night owing monies for dinners and drinks and there is not a penny clearance on his credit card and I am fucked.

A new mattress alone is £600.

He is ignoring my phone calls and I shall be forced to sue him in the courts and I am sure, as he is presumably in council care, we will get fuck all but the hassle.



I am NOT here to be abused.

I am NOT here to have my facilities messed with.

I am NOT here to have to pay out HUGELY after a customer fucks with my beds etc.



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