2023 predictions by Gary O'Toole

Predictions with a question mark I am less sure of. The one I am convinced of is a stock market crash. But it may be due to the introduction of a new digital currency by governments. I'm not an economist, so you're guess is as good as mine. But the signatures in the autumn of 2023 are too similar to the 1929 crash to ignore.
The war in Ukraine is maybe good and bad news. Saturn's transit in sidereal Aquarius brought ceasefires previously, e.g. IRA ceasefire, Russia and China "de-targeting weapons". This is due to Saturn's 3rd and 10th house aspects as per Vedic astrology to Mars' signs. But things may escalated before any ceasefires.
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And one prediction I forgot to include was the possibility of many celebrities and pioneers (sidereal Aries) dying in 2023, just as many musicians and performers died the last time Jupiter joined the north node in 2016 (sidereal Leo), "the year of rebellion". 2023 is likely to be as rebellious.
Extreme year economically
Supply chain issues continue
Hyper-inflation for first quarter
Potential stock market crash in Oct/Nov after extremes all year
Markets behave erratically - high possible, but then a crash
Major issues around healthcare, travel and real estate
Possible housing market crash
New monetary system crashing the old one
New centralized digital currency?

Start of a complete new financial system?
Universal basic income suggested in some countries?
Political unrest worldwide contd.
Uprisings continue around the world
The Russian regime challenged more
War in Ukraine could initially escalate before any ceasefires
The U.S. may be drawn into direct conflict, leading to U.S. protests
Nuclear or chemical warfare possible
China may take advantage of chaos with attack on Taiwan
Further divisions in U.S.
Many leaders worldwide challenged or step down
Joe Biden leaves office 2023 - 2024
King Charles abdicating 2023 - 2024?
Shocking turn of events in the summer period, esp. in relation to war
Major issues with water: floods, illness from water contamination, droughts, and record-breaking storms
More viral outbreaks, a return of one and/or a new one
Massive technological advancements - A.I.
Metaverse attempts a firmer footing (Apple), yet it shows its limitations
Advancement in treatments for diseases, incl. mental diseases
Regulations on drugs, incl. psychedelics

New regulations in healthcare/new healthcare systems
New social media platforms/new laws and regulations
Major societal reforms worldwide
Problems highlighted in communities, local and global
New ‘grassroots’ movements/humanitarian movements
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