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A Sex Workers New Years Eve....

It was New Years Eve some time in the mid 1990's.

In the mid morning the phone rang and it was a client looking for an escort for the evening.

He was in town with his partner and another friend who had lost his lover that year and they had all planned this New Years Holiday in London, but his partner had died and they decided to still make the trip but as the third guy was now on his own, they wanted some company for him.

I quoted them a price for the evening, they agreed it, and we made plans.

Meeting the three of them at 7pm at the Sherlock Holmes Hotel it turned out to be a very pleasant surprise as all three were tall and handsome and all three were worthy bed mates and the guy I was to spend my time with, was actually really cute, about 45 years of age, tall and handsome, and just looked a wee bit sad.


We cocktailed at the hotel and then cabbed over to The Hippodrome - the old 'Talk of the Town' in central London, and while it was not gay night, it was packed and these guys had a table reservation in the restaurant on the balcony level and at £75 each for a set dinner and at £75 per bottle of champagne, we sat, we eat, and we drank and we partied and laughed and joined in the hilarity going on all around us and at the stroke of midnight , LULU came on with her famous song on disc and everyone was up bouncing on the floor, on chairs and even on table tops... the place went wild.

The venue heaved, hundreds of people all up and dancing and cheering and laughing and having a good time and I was - as always - the ultimate professional and was 'there for my client' all evening , and as I found him interesting to chat with, we got on and had a laugh and even a dance or two and he was smiling and cheered up enormously. I was very ' there for him' but not in a ' I have to because I am being paid .' - but more a new friend who is interested in learning more about you...

The three guys got a few drinks down them and as I do not drink, I was in charge of getting us all home to their hotel and as it was late ( or very early morning ) and as there were no cabs to be found to take me home, my client asked if I would like to stay with him at the hotel for the night, and I agreed, yes I would.

Now: This was not included in the price I had requested - as an over-night was not asked for, just the evening out, and an overnight would have cost considerably more, BUT - with no cabs and I was knackerd, the invite to stay was very welcome.

We had sex. Good - tired after a long day and evening - kind of sex - and he was delighted - absolutely delighted - to meet someone who showed care and attention, affection and interest.

We woke in the morning when his friends came knocking on the door inviting us into their room to share Room Service Breakfast and they were pleased to see I was still there, and beamed with delight when they saw me, and saw how relaxed and smiley their friend was, and how he had cheered right up and seemingly had a great night even with his grief and loss.

Breakfast was a feast for the eyes. New Years Morning Special, not just the usual Full English but tons of fresh fruit and strawberries, home made yoghurts, Croissants, toasts, and to top it all off which really impressed, besides all the usual pots of coffee and tea and hot plates to keep food warm and the jams and spreads;- the prize of the whole breakfast ;- they had small individual tubs of - the world most loved and hated food - MARMITE - and oh it tasted so much better when served to me in a 5 star hotel room on New Years Morning by a handsome American you have just enjoyed good sex with and an evening out always to remember, and to top it all off, I was about to be paid £500 for the evening, and considering this was probably in the early 1990's, was exceptional money.

After breakfast they asked if I was in a hurry to leave and as I wasn't, we chilled in their hotel suite chatting for few hours and just chilling out and we shared about our lives, and he talked about his deceased partner who had died of HIV /AIDS and somehow even he was amazed how for the first time talking about this, he had not broken down and he felt, somehow, better this morning than he had since his friends death, and maybe, just maybe, I had something to do with that.

Remember, I was also a bereavement therapist at one time, so am not scared of taking about death, loss, what comes next and how to get over such loss, and my friendly impersonal chatter obviously hit home and helped.

I had phoned home in the morning to let my housemates know I was safe - and besides they knew where I was as every ' out call' to see a client, you leave details at home of who and where - just in case of any problems and I called to advise I was okay and would be home soon, and around 2pm I called a cab and left and it was all hugs and best wishes for the New Year and a special hug for my client, as I told him, he was a very special man and deserved to be happy and that as I felt his deceased partner would have wanted him to find peace and happiness again, why not respect his wishes and start to move on.... and as we parted, hugs galore, I knew then as I know now, I would never forget this evening, never forget these guys and always hope and pray he meets someone else special and moves on with his life respecting and valuing what he had and who he lost, but not to get lost in his grief ...and while he paid for a sex worker, he got a whole lot more beside sex.

The two guys who had employed me saw me down to the cab and gave me a £250 tip on top of the £500 and as one said...

' We never imagined we would find such a perfect partner for the evening for a man in grief and how surprised and relieved we were to be able to sit back and enjoy the evening ourselves without worrying all evening if he was okay. '

as they felt safe having me with him and if anything went sideways, they felt I could cope with it. Nothing did go sideways and we all enjoyed a fabulous New Years Eve.

Some people have an attitude about sex workers while knowing fuck all about who they are - the work they do and most importantly - THE GOOD WORK THEY DO helping keep society from imploding. Helping keep the loins of society from self destruct mode and helps keep families, husbands and wives - TOGETHER and as in this case, and while I appreciate there would have been many sex workers available - but very VERY VERY VERY few would have shown the compassion, interest and care that I always offered as many sex workers are cold fish, uncaring, it's just a job and you are just another ' punter' to get through as quickly as possible, and that was NOT the way I worked at all as everyone was worthy and everyone had a story to share and everyone treated me with respect as I offered in return.

There are many different levels of sex work, from the street guys and girls to the more up-market escort like myself. I simply couldn't work any other way. I have never been a ' down market' kind of guy and have always offered the sort of service I would like to find if I was in a similar place to any of my clients and that's what made me such a success in the sex industry and why, to be quite honest - I was the best sex worker on the gay scene.


Oh and I paid tax on my income as well, which is rare in the sex industry.

That evening at the Hippodrome with these three Americans has always stayed with me and every single New Year - just like right now - I remember back and often wonder who and where those guys are these days and if they remember me and the evening we spent, and who knows, maybe there is not a New Year that passes where he doesn't remember back to London and that sex worker his friends got for him and what a good time he had... who knows, and while I am remembering 30 years later, maybe so is he... and why wouldn't he ?

It remains a fantasy in my minds eye - but a fantasy that was absolutely real.

Bless them . This story is 100% accurate and true and not some made up bullshit. I have lived an amazing life, I have done tons of amazing things.

I have lived and continue to do so to the fullest that I desire - and when I do go to those Pearly Gates, I will not be going in peacefully - but on a skate board sideways going


New Year 2024 / 25 is in a couple of days time and I wish you all the very best for 2025 and more importantly - for right now, this moment in time, wherever you are reading this, may it find you at peace with the world, with yourself, with your family and with your God of choice... or not, and that you have a great 2025 and may you find and share with others - peace and happiness amongst the madness.

Happy New Year Everyone.

With love as always

John Bellamy


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