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I am putting together a weekend for those who like to constantly moan about absolutely everything.


This has been on my web site for ages - and I thought I would share it with you here.

It will be a free weekend for those who always find fault but who actually offer and do

NOTHING AT ALL TO HELP - EXCEPT TO MOAN, and let's face it folks, there are a LOT of LGBT out there who do nothing but complain.


Now we all know someone who should attend and it could well be you.  You know the type ' No one is ever doing anything.' - and when they attend an event or a function they complain about the entry fee - the queue - the coat check - the queue at the bar or self serve cafe - the music is too loud - or ' I can't hear.' : -They complain about the lights being too bright / dim and even the car parking, which although free, really should have been planned better.  The catering was useless and the tea / coffee like gnats piss. If a hotel,  the bed was uncomfortable and the decor not to their taste.   The breakfast service was slow and the toast too brown and as for the hard butter, ' Why you'd think they would get up earlier and take the butter out of the fridge so it wasn't too hard... well wouldn't you .'  The cooked breakfast was bad with overcooked eggs and mushy beans  and the marmalade was cheap.   As for the cold plate - unforgivable.


These are the people with some good ideas to share of which not one single word out of their mouth is in the slightest bit constructive or supportive and is really no help what-so-ever and yet they will insist on sharing this with you. They will tell you how they can offer something similar at a fraction of the cost, without actually having the faintest clue what the costs are or even what is involved, legally,  at putting on such an event,    and when you state the legal requirements -  all they do is wish it away with a wave of their hands and say it's all rubbish and unnecessary.


These are the people who - basically - haven't a clue what is involved;-   How much hard work is involved,-   how many hours a day is put in to offer such an event or how much staff costs are, let alone 25% tax added to electricity and gas bills by the state. 


For these people are blind, deaf and dumb when it comes to the realities of running a small business as they - quite simply - have never done so.   These are the people who have always worked for someone else;-   where it is someone else who has constantly taken responsibility - and when it comes time to go home, they have their hat and coat on 15 minutes early and they have gone without a single thought of what is involved in closing up, locking up,  maybe sorting the financial takings of the day - arranging the banking and all the security etc. and even the staff rotas etc. 

These are the people who don't actually give a shit - for anything - but they want attention while having absolutely nothing - nada - zero to warrant having attention paid to them, for these are the people who often have nothing to say that is worth listening to - no valid opinion - nothing of interest - nothing amusing and certainly nothing with any logic set in reality;-   but they want to be heard and this stops and diminishes those WHO DO have something interesting and worth listening to and it exasperates.


These are the people who spoil it for others and who cannot appreciate the beauty of the sunset without finding fault in the chill of the evening.  


These are the people who complain about the children on the beach and miss the beautiful summer day. 


These are the people who attend a wonderful loving wedding and bitch about everyone's outfit and ' Doesn't she look fat in that dress.'


Now - to those who will now moan they cannot find any date or details about this FREE WEEKEND can moan all they like about how stupid, how incompetent, how irresponsible to put all this on here without actually putting a date and details about making a reservation for this spectacular weekend for moaners, and they will moan some more.  

The point is,  IF I was to host such an event you would still moan, even if it was free and even if I had Harrods do the catering - Harvey Nicks the room décor and Buckingham Palace provided the staff. 


You see, some people are so unhappy in their lives that all they do is moan and complain and moan some more and believe me, I occasionally hear it here and am not afraid to read the riot act at them and / or speak to their partner about their manner and how moany it is and how we - actually - ALL can do without it.  Unhappiness manifests itself in many aspects of our daily lives and those who moan and complain all the time - are really very unhappy people and make those around them unhappy and then they have won... They have won because when you are also unhappy and start to moan - they will see it as how they are right although will complain about your negativity that was actually, brought about because of them, which naturally they deny.

Some enjoy being in that place of darkness and hate venturing into the light as it casts shadows on their everyday life and this frightens and they feel safe in their little black box of negative energy and some can be saved while others CHOOSE to stay put.


So.   If you fancy a free weekend and you know that what you have read here  applies to you - then do by all means try and make a booking.  You will have plenty of ammunition by the time you get off the phone with me and especially if you e mail and the answer will give plenty to moan about.   Believe me, when I do get through with you - BOY - will you be moaning.


Trouble is, some people just never know when the hell to shut the fuck up.

Now - How's that...???  Here I am offering a free opportunity to find something to moan about and ALL FOR FREE...    Surely, you can't find anything to complain about in that - Can you ?


If you found this article offensive, then you are welcome to complain,  as much as you like - if you think it will do you any good, or you could just shut the fuck up and stop your constant moaning as this just tells us all how unhappy, how resentful, how envious, what a Diva and Princess you are and how you expect everything to go YOUR WAY and when it doesn't, as it probably more often than not, it doesn't, then the rest of us do not want to hear it so SHUT THE FUCK UP.

If in your life it DOES do you some good to moan - as we all like a good moan sometimes, but some don't stop and it is just a constant droll in the background all the bloody time and if you are around someone like this - then I feel desperately sorry for those who are 'giving in to you' and think they need to get a bigger pair of balls and tell you exactly where you can shove your moaning all the time as it REALLY does offer a 'half empty' and not 'half full'  look on life and that - my moaning friend, is such a bummer.



John Bellamy

I hope by now you realise that this is not real.... 

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