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everything is political

Some people are very quick when they want to complain but slow slow slow when it comes to complimenting, so it was with no surprise when I heard from someone who has been on my data base since 2014 and received HUNDREDS of my Newsletter / Blogs over a 4 year period, as I started this newsletter at the beginning of lockdown - and not a word, not a single e mail and nothing about how good or bad or anything until now and you guessed it... all he could do was find fault.

'John, why do you have to always be so political in your newsletter ?'

and my answer is that EVERYTHING IN LIFE is a political decision, everything, and even within family network there will be the political play for power - and at work, and even in the queue in Tesco as politics is everything we do, see and hear.

Christianity or Islam - Jew or Hindu - Don't you think that debate is fraught with political ideology and the ramifications from one to another ?

Being a gay man is a political statement - and being an OUT gay men is yet another statement - and while there will always be those who will deny LGBT the right to live and breath - THAT AGAIN is a political statement.

Now - You can hide from the realities of power trips, and you can ignore as much as you like - but do not come running to me when things go shit up and you are stranded in a wasteland of undecided no interest non political people who are suddenly caught up in something and saying ' I didn't know' when this is no excuse from a grown man and where you SHOULD know - or at least, have some idea and respect for those who DO know.

You may wish to live on a desert island in that bubble of ignorance and safety - but the real world evolves around you and your family and as nothing stands still, why are you so determined to ignore and act like a hermit in a cave ?

If you don't like something I write, then ignore it - but please - if you only ever write to complain, I shall see you for what you are - a self centred unhappy person with nothing nice to say or share and - to be honest - I shall ignore you.

I do this for the love of it and it costs me dearly and if all you do after 4 years is find fault, then fuck off.




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