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for or against religion

I am not against religion.

I was accused recently, rather foolishly, of being Islamaphobic, which I am not, I am against the Muslim drip drip take over of our country and those who want to instill Sharia Law into the UK, and I will stand against and voice my opposition, as I would any religion trying to limit and destroy peoples human rights as given to us by God ;- not the Prime Minister ;- not the President :- not the government or any legal body, but HUMAN RIGHTS AS GIVEN TO US AS HUMAN BEINGS OF GOD.

I am not against any form of prayer to some Almighty Being.

I am not against any holy scriptures or any doctrine that may be used as a ' message from God' or some Almighty being, and I wholly support those who have a belief and who do follow that belief.

I am against any religion that damns and destroys another in favour of itself being the only true correct religion, as - er - who says it's the only true and right religion ?

Only those who would oppress.

I am also against all forms of worship, as any Supreme Being that needs and demands worship - needs therapy.

If a boyfriend or girlfriend demanded constant attention and affection and being told how much you love him, every day and every night and then double on Sunday's - then this God is in need of some serious therapy - as

BOY - Is he insecure !!!

I DO believe that God does not need or desire these things from us and that God simply wants us to live our lives as best we can and in billions of ways, will offer guidance in silent little ways and NOT through some manipulative priest of any denomination, not through edited writings and misplaced doctrines and especially through a man in a frock who claims to be God's representative on earth or anyone who works for him.

It really is as simple as that.

All religions tell much the same story.

All belief structures are based in love and acceptance.

So how come billions have been slaughtered and genocide created against another because they believe in a different God, read a different book or even the same book but from a different view point.

How come The Christian Church has so much blood on their hands over the centuries and even to this day, metaphorically damns and destroys peoples lives so still has blood on its hands, and all church's are the same.

Any religion - any organisation, any church that allows mass murder is not a church at all and is evil. It is not of God - at all, it is from the dark side of mankind, some would say it was evil - some would say it was of the Devil, I would say it was UnGodly and manipulative of small minded men - playing with their willies and big guns and should be told to GROW THE FUCK UP and stop making it all about themselves all the time. What man of God could allow this to happen and be the cause of it happening ?


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