In Your Prime
This is aimed at those between 25 and 45 years of age. While I know this will not be a lot of our readers, it still applies as an ' inner truth.'
I invite all people between those years of age ;- Tonight, get naked and check it all out in a full length mirror - so you can take a good gander at the whole of you.
Now :- Realise - This is the BEST YOU ARE EVER GOING TO BE - PHYSICALLY - as once you past your mid 40's - it all starts to go south.
Unless you are a health freak and work out 5 times a week for the rest of time, your body will age, liver spots will start to appear, moles and your skin quality changes and suddenly one day when you are sitting on the loo, you will look at your thighs and realise how the skin quality has changed and now - SHOCK HORROR - it looks old.
OH MY GOD - Old age catches up on all of us that live long enough.
Old age changes the way we view things, the way we behave and even our sex lives change.
To many, we older generation are invisible.
They look right through us.
We are of no interest to them in any way.
Even though 99% of Social Media, their phone and iPad and internet WAS INVENTED BY US - THE INVISIBLE OLD PEOPLE - and we are the ones who marched and campaigned and fought for EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW for gay men, and how these days everyone else is jumping onto the gay band wagon of legal rights and claiming their own right in law, and some of these do the gay community no good at all and just drags us downwards with their screaming and bad attitude - and many within the trans community CONSTALTLY shoot themselves and their community IN THE FOOT and drags the whole LGB scene into the gutter, which is where some belong, but leave the rest of us alone and create your own coat tails and get off the gay coat tails we worked so hard for and now a few trans are destroying all the good work we undertook.
No respect.
No value.
No honour.
Just arrogance and condescension.
Personally, it makes me giggle, the stupidity, the audacity, the blatant ignorance.
We were never - ever - like this when we were their age, never in a month of Sundays.
Us oldies are invisible, we are past it - we are OAP's and if only the younger generation had even 5% idea what we have gone through and how THEY BENEFIT FROM ALL WE HAVE DONE, - NOT THEM, - US OLDIES, and if and when I get attitude from a young gay man, BOY do I read the riot act at them about being ungrateful and ignorant to the truth...
It proves we are survivors, to have survived the first pandemic - HIV and lived to tell the tail.
We survived the next pandemic, Covid.
We survived several global outbreaks of the Flu - proper Influenza and not just a weekend chill.
We are also the generation to have avoided war.
We have seen our government turn from running the country for the people, to running it for corporate power and control and where politicians are just 'planning for their own future' and where the police now see us all as GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT which was the other way round when we were young, and so it should be.
All of a sudden I am coming up to70 next April.
I know it is logically the next number after 69, but it still amazes how quickly I find myself as a pensioner and taking naps, having hospital appointments, wearing pajamas and slippers and when I had gout recently, actually going to Asda IN MY SLIPPERS as I couldn't wear shoes, and I felt like a right old sod - out in my slippers indeed..... But you know what - now I am so much older and less worry some about life, death and the universe than I was, I DIDN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT SHOPPING IN MY SLIPPERS and if someone didn't like it, then they could go fuck themselves. I see it as funny.
Being older, I care a lot less about what people think of me and while I would, in the past - get upset and concerned every time someone moaned about my service etc. these days, I just see it as their problem as there is NOTHING - AND NEVER HAS BEEN - any problem with how I work, the service I offer whether here at Hamilton Hall or when I was a full time sex worker *( always gave a 5 star service ) and if people find fault, then I REALLY don't give a damn. Some people expect 5 star service for 1 star payment - Some expect the world while offering NOTHING in return and some expect service even the Queen would blush asking, and as you can imagine, it gets nowhere at all with me.
There are too many pompous silly faggots out there and I just love them, as so many need putting in their place and given a shake, and I am not afraid to do just that and - er - I actually enjoy it... haha
Confidence comes with age.
Any money
And independence.
And security within ones self.
And knowing what you DO and what you DO NOT want - from the world and from others.
And not being afraid to speak up for yourself.
And even put others in their place - NICELY - if and when misbehaving.
And even act like a Father Figure to the youth of today as a good example.
Someone to emulate and admire.
And as for sex, we have partied, we have drug fucked, we have spent all night doing what we now spend all night doing, and we have taken our sex life to the edge and back and now, as the older man, know what we do and don't want and know how to - whereas so many youngsters are still fumbling around thinking - assuming they are hot sex when we know them as - well - very under par, very average, very forgettable.
So to the younger generation I would say - LISTEN TO YOUR ELDERS - pay attention and hear what others have been through so you can have social media and legal rights and marriage equality etc. and stop the arrogance and the condescension as you just make us laugh at you, LEARN TO RESPECT AND VALUE and then the world will go round and round much easier for us all.
John Bellamy ---------------------------------
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