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Part Two : I was viscously attacked

I was astounded at the amount of e mails and phone calls from you guys worried about my dog attacks at the hands of my last dog Ella. Big thank you for showing so much concern and love, it humbled me... well... everso slightly.. ha ha

My bitten arm wounds are healing and I still have a painful lump around the actual bites but the whole arm swelling to twice the size and the red blood poisoning has gone down and is just an area about 4 inches across that is still painful - and as I have finished the antibiotics, it is just time to heal the remainder of the bite wounds.

However putting that aside.


As sad and tragic as it was to have to put Ella to sleep, there was no alternative as she had attacked with absolutely no provocation 5 times towards me and once towards a child and the only ones that actually made contact and bites were received, were against me.

Being a rescue dog from Romania and having had pups straight away and as her 'on heat ' cycle was all messed up, coming back on heat under 2 months since the last one, means she was probably suffering with menstruation problems as her whole system was out of whack from too many pregnancies far too young.

All that said, it was upsetting having to put such a young dog down ( 4 next October ) but there was no alternative - she was an attack dog and you cannot have an attack dog -ANYWHERE for fear of what / who they might attack for no reason next. Especially in an hotel full of naked men with willies and things dangling around....


Her name when we got her was Chai and this seems to have - strangely - been changed to Lady Madge - as if we are not camp enough around here...

She is a 6 month old Staffordshire Bull Terrier mix with Whippet, is less than half the size of my last Weimaraner - who was 37kg and Lady Madge is just 15kg. so much smaller.

She was bought for a Valentines present by a man for his fiancé who had just had their first baby - so here was mother at home with a new baby and trying to train a new puppy - MADNESS - and she sold the puppy after a few months - to me - and as fiancé was out when I collected her as she said he was attached and would probably cry - but was not the one at home all day with a new born human and a new born dog... and it was just too much for her so one had to go.

So she chose to keep the baby. Funny that...

Lady Madge came from a good home but was just too much along with a baby and now, she has become our baby... ( oh dear - does that sound too queenly for words ??? --- 'our baby' ... )

She has some very basic training and the first night she was overexcited and very playful - and exhausting - but the next day she started to settled in and calmed down a lot and now is the 3rd day here and she is sat at my feet under the desk as I write this and it is up to us to teach her how to play - how firm she can be and how to be relaxed and calm.

We start Puppy Training in a class on Tuesday evening and Woody and I - together - are going as we need to BOTH be on the same page with Lady Madge and keep her training the same from both of us as while she is - in theory - my dog - she is Hamilton Hall's dog and Woody loves walking and playing with her and will be sharing - not the costs involved - but everything else and it does help when you have a young puppy around as they can be exhausting...

Missy - my first Weimaraner at Hamilton Hall ( but my 3rd actual Weimaraner ) ) was 4 when I got her as a rescue and she lived until nearly 13 and Honey, my ( 4th ) Weimaraner I got when she was 7 - another rescue and she lived to be just 13 as well, and sadly both were put down eventually because of painful cancers. So a puppy is new for me and I am remembering Barbra Woodhouse ( remember her ) who said I can train the dog in ten minutes, it takes hours to train the owners. - ( Lots of chest rubs and 'Whose a pretty boy then' worked wonders for me ??? )

Philip who also lives here and who many of you have met, always took Honey to the beach on weekends and she really looked forward to these walks, and Philip will again once we get some training into Lady Madge. ( Philip arrived 4 years ago already house trained... )

So like all new parents we took her to the Super Doggy Store and bought a wonderful harness and toys and puppy food and chews and all the things we may need and I thought Woody was buying a SHEWEE but turned out to be a dog water bottle with attached bowl... so she is looking very spruce in her black and dark green harness, better than a collar by far and easier to control her in.

I have always slept with my dogs but after being attacked so viscously in the middle of the night by Ella, it has made me extremely aware and a wee bit nervous for a while, and have decided that Lady Madge is sleeping in the office / utility room area at nights and after a bit of barking the first night, she accepted this was her bed and knows where to go now. It also gives me a bit of freedom late at night not worrying and also not treading on her in the dark if I get up in the night to pee...

When we come down in the morning she is also very pleased and playful to see us and she is quick to learn - shame some boyfriends are not as quick...mmm... and I know you will love her as well, as so many did Honey and Missy before her.

We do accept dogs here although do not get many - as if you are a dog owner, you do want to take them away with you on holiday and at Hammy Hall, as long as they are house trained, we will ' dog sit' in the evenings should you wish to go out ( until midnight ) and leave your dog with us to look after. That kind of freedom, as any parent with children will appreciate - is so valuable and appreciated if and when a good 'sitter' is available and as I am home every evening, is not a problem. So we have a new pet and like the old proverb :-

When you fall off a horse, GET STRAIGHT BACK ON AGAIN ;- in other words - FACE YOUR FEARS STRAIGHT AWAY - and although still harmed and emotionally damaged from Ella's attacks - I had to get straight back on the saddle and get another dog or forever be afraid of them, and I am feeling more relaxed - just a new awareness has fostered within me and I am simply more - 'aware.'

So - welcome Lady Madge to the Hamilton Hall family - or welcome to the ' Home for the Bewildered '- ha ha - as I often call it... or 'The Fawlty Towers of Bournemouth... '

( Okay okay... I am Basil - How many thought I was Sybil ? - But guess who is Manuel ??? Especially as he recently went blond... OMG ...)

See you soon. John


Another brilliant blog John. It has become a highlight of the week reading something which I find interesting and I’m often nodding in agreement or saying hear, hear!! Hope everything works out well with Lady Madge.

Keep up the fantastic work With love Chris


Love the Blog as always. It makes my Sunday. Good luck with Lady Madge and I look forward to meeting her when I am with you in August. Steve.


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