Priest arrested after drug-fueled night of gay sex kills male lover. And it's not the first time that a priest has been arrested in similar circumstances.
By Daniel Villarreal Wednesday, October 9, 202
John Bellamy Comments below - SCROLL DOWN
A 60-year-old Anglican priest stationed in Kalmthout, Belgium was arrested after his male partner, a 69-year-old British priest named Andrew Wagstaff, died during a drug-fueled night of gay sex together.
The two men had used ecstasy and poppers while having sex together, police said, leading Wagstaff to feel unwell during the early morning hours of Friday, September 27. His sexual partner, identified in the media as Father Bernard, called the police after Wagstaff fell unconscious and couldn’t be resuscitated.

He lost his job at an anti-LGBTQ+ org and he accuses Grindr of “significant damage” to his reputation.
While an autopsy has not yet been conducted to determine the priest’s exact cause of death, police arrested Bernard and charged him with drug trafficking resulting in death.
“Traces of narcotics were found on the victim’s body,” said Kristof Aerts of the Antwerp public prosecutor’s office, according to The Daily Mail.

The men visited one another in anticipation of Pope Francis’ travel through Belgium. Anglicans consider the Pope as the Bishop of Rome and “father of the Church in the West” even though he is Catholic, a separate religious denomination. During the pope’s visit, the Catholic leader condemned clergy members who hide child abuse, urged world leaders to do more to combat climate change, and criticized the church’s subjugation of women.
A bishop will decide whether Father Bernard will be allowed to continue working in the church.
Another unnamed churchgoer told The Telegraph, “Priests often live a lonely existence. They often fall back on themselves and of course, they also have human needs. It is a disaster that he is being portrayed in such a bad light.”
Wagstaff was ordained 30 years ago and served as the chaplain of St. Boniface Church in Antwerp, Belgium until his retirement earlier this year, according to The Toronto Sun.
“[Father] Bernard is a dedicated priest. He did his job well, liked to mingle with people after church services and was greatly appreciated for that,” said Eddy Marstboom, the 84-year-old chairman of the local church council, according to The Telegraph. “But admittedly, all of this is also a complete surprise to us. We now mainly hope that the law will do its job quickly because I can well imagine that this is particularly difficult for him.”
In April, a Polish Catholic priest was sentenced to 18 months in prison after an investigation into an August 30, 2023, gay adult play party in the priest’s apartment. At the party, a male sex worker collapsed after overdosing on erectile dysfunction medication and was subsequently “mutilated.” The sex worker survived.
John Bellamy Comments:

I have had sex with dozens of priests, a few bishops and even a few who think they are Jesus Christ.
I have often thought how naïve they were sexually , as most - quite simply - haven't really had much of a clue what to do or how to do it and I have had to lead the way with instructions.
I appreciate I was very experienced and they - quite clearly - were not - and for obvious reasons.
Supposedly living the celibate life is not normal for most men and being forced into that lifestyle is unhealthy for mind, body and soul.
If and when two find each other sexually then it is often very innocent fun with lots of fumbling around, giggles and guilt.
When they discover poppers and maybe Viagra - they have often not read or been told or paid attention to the dangers and just wish to experiment, and we all know that Viagra and poppers are not a good mix and can kill.
Sadly it sounds as if this is what has happened here.
I had a bad experience on Viagra recently, not with poppers - just Viagra, leading to me passing out on the landing - and it was a very slow pass out where I knew I was going and it took at least 2 minutes to collapse and in that two minutes - for those who know what a ; whitey' is - that's what I got, and the fear is that you'll throw up.
Anyway I came to on the landing and tried to crawl up the rest of the stairs to bed and passed out again and LUCKILY a guest found me and called for help and Woody came running and I was - apparently - on my back choking on my own vomit and could have died had I not been found in time.
I came to and Woody was brilliant, cleaning me up and helping me stagger to bed , and it was NOT a pleasant experience.
Naturally Woody was telling me off for being so stupid, but I had done Viagra tons before and never had a bad experience and considering this was the first time I had had sex in well over a year - and probably longer than that beforehand, who knows why I had such a bad reaction.
I was very shaken up the next day and it took a while to recover and within 48 hours, I came down with a Urinary Tract Infection with e coli in my bladder and that was the start of a 2 week hospital stay with my prostate being seriously swollen and where I could not piss and that - believe me - is agony - hence I was given a catheter which as I write - over a month later, I still have.
I have months of treatment ahead yet.
Not that the UTI and catheter and hospital stay had anything to do with the Viagra pass out - but the sex caused the UTI as however clean the ass is, there is infections to be caught and maybe in my weakened physical state at the time, I took it on board and I was really ill.
So from someone who has had tens of thousands of sexual partners, ran a sex industry for 15 years, a huge escort agency and avoided HIV ( I am negative ) and avoided Covid and thought I knew it all, FOR ME to learn the hard way like this is a lesson for you all to take note of and to be sensible when it comes to drugs and bare backing.
Always piss after a fuck and empty your bladder.
Always keep food and waters handy in case of blood sugar drops.
At any time of you feel bad, stop, lay down and breath.
If you feel really bad, 999 and fuck embarrassment, they've see it all.
I am out of hospital and home. I am in recovery still and weak and hot and cold and staying in as much as possible. My catheter - I have no idea when that it to be sorted but certainly not for many more weeks until I have a ' flow test' to see if my prostate has either shrunk enough to allow me to piss through, or whether it needs an operation to sort that out, unrelated to the Viagra, it all just happened at the same time.
It also taught me how amazing the NHS is BUT that not all nurses are as competent, friendly or good at what they do and you have to ask questions all the time and make sure you get answers, as some of the nursing offered was - actually brilliant - usually from those who had been nurses a long time - , and a few were appallingly arrogant and I got shrugged shoulders a couple of times - and in my weakened state, I said nothing - and when I started to feel better, I spoke up and complained.
I feel for priests who are caught in sex acts as they are only human and have their needs and desires but are like children fumbling around and that can be dangerous if drugs are used. BUT, I knew an experienced sex worker in his 30's years ago die during a drug fueled sex session, so even the experienced can come to a sticky end and the trouble with drug fueled sex, it is amazing - and sex then without drugs can seem a little tame, so drug sex can become addictive, which is adding to the dangers.
Play safe guys, it simply is not worth it.
John Bellamy
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