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When a local homeless man is eventually found accommodation and he is so pleased to have a roof over his head after struggling with the council for so long - and when some months later the council kick him out as they want the flat for an illegal migrant, there is something very wrong with what is going on in this country and why we spend hundreds of millions on aid for refugees and illegal migrants while we abuse our own people leaving them homeless and stealing the Winter Fuel Payments from the pensioners, leaving war vets to be homeless and where it seems the most vulnerable are the ones being fucked over by the government.

Are the wealthy being taxed accordingly ?

Are those in the high echelons of power and wealth giving monies to help - Of course not.

Is our Prime Minister giving up part of his salary - as Thatcher did - or is he assuming he is some powerful world leader ' in charge' and his arrogance and condescension paramount now he has the power ?

In the New Year we are all going to be facing hardships of one kind or another and with fuel prices going up again, and with the government more keen on looking after illegal migrants than it does its own people, then it is time to get a new government.

Trouble is - most political parties have not proven themselves worthy of much, and who do you vote for ???

Are we royally fucked ???

John Bellamy ----------------

Dear John: I was mugged 6 months ago. I was hit over the head and left unconscious on the pavement. Someone called the ambulance and when I came round, a kind elderly lady was tending my wound while we waited, and waited, and waited for the ambulance.

3 hours later we received a call CANCELLING THE AMBULANCE - so not only was a wounded pedestrian left laying on the cold pavement with a promise of help for over 3 hours, THEY CANCELLED AND MADE ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE AT ALL BUT TO SAY IT WAS NOT SEEN AS A PRIOROTY AND SO IT WAS CANCELLED.

By now there was quite a crowd around me and a cab was called and I was taken to hospital, in severe pain I might add, and after waiting a further 7 hours in A&E - it turned out I had a broken hip from the fall and needed a hip replacement as my hip was too badly damaged - and remember, I was left on the street to die by the ambulance service who said I was not a priority.

I spent 10 days in hospital while I was given a new left hip and after the initial complete cock up by the NHS Ambulance service, I got a new hip and good service but not for the sakes of having to make scores of phone calls to find out beforehand where the ambulance was, and their actions absolutely disgusted me.

Left for hours with a broken hip on the pavement as I was not seen as a priority.

I am 82. I fought in WW2 and have a chest full of medals, I worked every day of every year for over 50 years with never a sick day, never claimed any kind of benefit and never scrounged from the system and THIS IS HOW I AM TREATED.

I have lost all confidence in knowing the NHS is there for me - as it is - quite clearly - all down to who is prioritized over someone else as to who gets seen and who does not.

Roger F.


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