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The Indonesian Government Just Made Sex Outside of Marriage Illegal

Indonesia's parliament passed a terrifying and wildly anti-democratic new criminal code. Under the new laws, people who have sex outside of marriage could be sentenced to a year behind bars. Consensual sex is a human right, and we cannot allow the government to proceed with these new laws!

Sign now to demand that the Indonesian Parliament reverse this regressive criminal code!

The new law is an insult to basic human rights and democratic expression. On top of the ridiculous ban on sex outside of marriage , the code also bans insulting the president. Clearly this law is not about protecting citizens from actual crime, but it is a terrifying attempt to regulate morality and seize more power.

The new law would also prohibit cohabitation between unmarried couples – meaning that LGBTQ+ cohabitation would be outlawed entirely, since Indonesia doesn't even recognize same-sex marriage.

Indonesia is the third-largest democracy in the world, and this dangerous new criminal code could destroy millions of Indonesians' ability to engage in the types of healthy, loving relationships they want and deserve.

There is still time for Parliament to right this wrong and reverse the policy before it goes into effect in a few years. Sign now to tell the Parliament of Indonesia: protect human rights in your country! Reverse the terrifying new criminal codes!


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