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The Muslim invasion - & Naked Muslim men - a mixed bag of hot men and those who rape children.

I don't know who this father is but I certainly agree with his sentiment.


Day after day I read about another 6 or 7 rapes by illegal migrants against children, some as young as 3, and they absolutely see nothing wrong with it and that as these children are not Muslim, they are scum to be raped and abused as they are put on this earth for these mens sexual gratification and other than that, they consider them worthless and below contempt. .

Day after day illegal migrants are robbing stores and nothing is done.

Day after day illegal migrants are abusing the very people that are locals.



Father Calvin Robinson MAY have anti gay rhetoric within his vocabulary, but not everything everyone says is wrong, and all political parties have good things in all of their manifestoes, it's just sometimes the bad outweighs the good and so we choose accordingly.

I agree with his rhetoric as detailed above and believe that 95% of these illegal migrants - Muslims - should be deported and - thrown out - as we do not want them here and they are uninvited guests who don't want to be guests, as they want to take over the whole party and change laws and culture and destroy the UK and make it a Muslim country under Shia law.

You can argue that claim all you like, as the evidence for this is clear for all to see. When councils put up signs telling us to behave and respect our Muslim neighbours, the ones who are busy raping our children, demanding we accept their values and complaining about their 5 star hotel and treatment while our own homeless are left on the streets - is it any wonder that signs like this and how councils and our government are bending over and parting its cheeks so these illegal migrants can bare back fuck us up the ass with no lube and no thanks or anything - then what the fuck are we doing ?

England, like most of Europe, is under siege by illegal Muslim young men - note - no women come with them - and they are not fleeing war or a repressive regime as they want to transpose their political / religious ideology here - and this poses a threat to national security as well as cultural and to our young children who , it seems, they all want to rape and consider us non Muslims as unworthy.

It is not about balance at all.

It is a sociological imbalance -

Sociology is the scientific study of human society that focuses on society, human social behavior, patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and aspects of culture associated with everyday life but the problem here is that these illegal migrants do not intend acclimatizing to our way of life and demand we change to suit their culture, religion and laws and unless the UK, like other countries, comes down hard and fast on this problem, we will find ourselves in major trouble in the not too distant future and where we stand a chance of loosing the UK forever under a plethora of Muslim mosque minarets and where our own church's will be desecrated and destroyed and our ancient culture, destroyed - simply by numbers.

Denmark, like some other European countries have banned the burqa in public places and this is a start and is all a part of National Security concerns and it is about time the UK took note from this and followed suit.

Bulgaria has approved a law banning the wearing of burqas in public places, institutions, schools and government offices. Those who do not comply with the law are cut off from social aid and are given a fine of 850€.

China has declared the Muslim faith as a mental health problem and are busy demolishing masques all over the country and banning the faith in order to stop the threat of terrorism and a take over of Chinese values, much as we need to start doing here - even if just to protect our culture from being overtaken and our children abused.

This is a sad state as the Muslim faith, in its pure form, DOES NOT dictate that Islam is to take over the world and destroy all other religions as unworthy at all. Islam and the Koran insist that the faithful are NOT to go to war EXCEPT in the defence of Islam - DEFENCE OF ISLAM - and NOT as an invading force trying / determined to destroy and usurp all that we are, for its own sake.

Not a good way forward and yet we seem to be doing NOTHING to stop it and when we see the police in Ireland attacking local people who are against the Muslim enclaves being built to house them while locals go homeless, and where pepper spraying locals who are standing in opposition and the migrants are being placed in areas where they are clearly not wanted - then the government has it all wrong and is abusing the locals - THE GOVERNMENT IS ABUSING THE LOCALS, by DEMANDING they have hundreds and thousands of illegal migrants in their towns and villages and so destroying the very fabric of the local community.

And then when these migrants are left with only our hard earned cash as benefits, they rob and steal, threaten in the streets, attack and mug / rape and in some cases, murder, and then the police come down hard on the locals who are campaigning against this, then something is very wrong and our government needs to take action or this country - our very way of life, is lost for ever.

If you are a gay Muslim and want to share your story with us here - or defend your people against the negative feelings held against them by most of Europe, and if you would like to put your case for coming here and what you left behind, I would welcome your input enormously - so please - get writing.

As with most things I offer, I do like to always see both sides of any question / statement, and while there is the bad there is also the good and below are some pretty good points I completely agree with in Muslim men . During my time as a sex worker I had a lot of regular clients who were Muslim and married but enjoyed gay sex as it was less complicated and many MANY Muslim men LOVE their ass worked on and while being good Muslim boys at home, I would tease them as say that Allah can see them in my house just as Allah can see them in their home and their country so, how come they think they can get away with bad behaviour here, but at home instantly convert to being god little Muslims again. I think I know why - -

' I'm not afraid of what God will think as I believe He will understand,

I cannot say the same for the neighbours though.'

I know what you are thinking,

where's his dick ??? The guy in the white turban..

So if you are Muslim and gay - you are welcome at Hamilton Hall - not just because you are so often cute, but as a fellow human being who is NOT trying to change the world to suit a certain religion that dams and destroys anything it considers not of Islam. . ( Not that the Roman Catholic Church would ever do such a thing.... as it actually has more blood on its hands throughout the centuries than the Muslim church has. )

I would love to talk about your faith and ask a million questions as - how else do we learn.

If you would care to write an rebuttal - an answer - to this piece, please do and I will share it with our thousands of readers.


I read two are three of these reports ( below ) every day and all within a 5 minute start, and this appalling legacy has to stop. These people have to be either deported or castrated, as nothing - it seems - stops them and they consider it their Devine Right to rape these girls as they consider them unworthy and ONLY worthy of fucking them against their will. Must make them feel ' such a man' and when in one case, a girl aged 12 died ON HER WEDDING NIGHT - to a man in his late 40's - and died of internal injuries - WE ALL KNOW EXACTLY HOW THIS CAME ABOUT - as she was - quite literally - FUCKED TO DEATH and the husband is admired by his fellow man and his family see nothing wrong in his actions. Then as in the case here, we actually have a Holy person - an Imam - raping and seeing nothing wrong with it at all.

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Here's an idea for girls and women to stop the Muslim rapes :-

Put a slice of bacon in your pants, it'll stop any Muslim man wanting to touch you as they find pork offensive to their religion and will leave you alone.

The story above about the rapist who was told by the girl how she was HIV Positive, was very clever but could have put her in even more danger of assault and hopefully put the fear of Allah up him and he may be seriously paranoid for a couple of months as he will not go for an HIV test and will live in panic for a nice long time... and I hope he suffers emotionally.

He’s an Iman He’s a Paedophile He’s a Rapist and He’s over here! She was 8 and he’s a C….. Deport him- No ifs - No buts - No appeals

and as for the guy who tried to rape a 3 year old, castrate and throw to the wolves - the mothers - don't think he'd live very long after they got through with him. And the disgusting this is, the Muslim clerics ( male naturally ) cover it up as acceptable.

There are scores of these reports every day and nothing is done.

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