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What happens when you die ?

What do you think happens when you close your eyes for the final time on Earth?

Does everything go black immediately? Here are some of your experiences and a couple of my own.

Last year I had open heart surgery. A couple of days later my heart stopped for 3 minutes 55 seconds. And then in a coma for 8 days. I can tell you that even though I did not see a light or heaven or hell, I saw so many things that I can remember. Two people that have never seen in this life that we where very happy to see each other. We did not speak the same language but did understand what we said very well. The kind of friends you do not need to talk to express what is going on your mind. I felt the presence of some dogs that I had long time ago, I did not see them but I knew they where there. Saw so many things in color, faces of people. Not dreams.

I had the choice of not coming back but could not leave my wonderful wife alone at that moment. I decided to come back for a little bit longer. Now I can tell you that I am not afraid to die. It is so peaceful and nice. You just feel good about everything. No pain at all. Just feels good. I believe that maybe we do reincarnate. It made me feel good about what we have right now and that there is something after this life.

Laugh as much as you can.

Love as much as you can

Do not hate no one. Not worth it.

Enjoy simple things.

Have a dog….. or two. Love them, enjoy them. They will be waiting for you.


John: We spoke about Near Death Experiences. I thought I'd put it in an e mail for you as you showed interest for the Newsletter. Car crash 20 odd years ago. A car rammed into my van at 80 miles an hour and the other driver was dead on the spot. I vaguely remember the ambulance arriving and lots of people and tubes and helicopter flying me to hospital.

I remember the sound of the helicopter blades and the bump as we landed.

Next thing I remember was floating above a load of doctors and nurses in an operating room and I was up near the ceiling watching what was happening. After a few minutes I felt a tug and was in a white place where familiar people were around me and while I cannot tell you who they were, I felt comforted knowing they were with me. Someone said I had to go back and I resisted as it was so calm and peaceful in this pace, and I said I wanted to stay. The person answered that it was not my time and I had something important to achieve before we met again, and I resisted saying ' I want to stay here.' - and with what I can only describe as a shove, I was pushed back - back into my body and awoke moments later in recovery where I had been in a coma for 3 days. I opened my eyes and saw my wife and family around and I lay there with tears in my eyes. I told everyone afterwards what happened and few believed me, but I knew I had been given a second chance and - eventually - ' came out' - as gay - to my wife and we now live as best friends more than husband and wife, she has a boyfriend, I have mine and we are so much happier - so much happier, both of us. I knew after the near death experience that I had to live in truth and could no longer lie to everyone as well as myself about my sexuality, and great things came from it.

I survived, badly broken and damaged but I healed and whenever I recall the feeling, the emotions, the absolute love I felt in ' that place ' it brings tears to my eyes. It was joyous as it was beautiful and coming back here - to this reality, to my world, was hard. It is something that has stayed with me every moment of every day.

Not religious. Not all Godly and angelic, just peace and calm.

Which I suppose is Godly and angelic and while I was a total non believer beforehand, I now feel there is more, much more to life, death and re birth and much more than the church will admit. I now pray to God as one would speak to a friend, and feel S/He hears my soul on a deeper level than I ever thought possible before.

Roger W. ( Croydon )


I remember being in the sea at night as a slimy barnacled ship pushed past me. I could see the shape of the ship blotting out the stars that it was an old galleon ship with sails.

Why I am in the water I do not know but the blackness of the water and the night was frightening. Suddenly it is daylight, my lips are burned and swollen and I am dying - of thirst amongst other things. The sea and the sky seem as one, I just know I am thousands of miles from land and I know I am going to die. Another gap in time where my last thoughts are ;- 'Am I facing upwards - so I can breath :- or have I rolled over in the sea and need to swim upright to breath.'

Those were my last thoughts.

Next I see a figure in the fetal position slowly sinking down into the sea getting further and further away and into deeper water - and this was the only time I ever saw my body after death - having experienced many ' past lives before ' - but this one was different and my thoughts were non judgemental, just observing. Nothing more. No fear. No thoughts. Just watching. And then it was as if I turned away into lightness and then - nothing, I came to, opened my eyes and found myself back in my body and alive in this reality.

I now have no fear of death, just how I die.

John Bellamy


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elf because you can fool a lot of people, but you can not fool your self.


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