God and those gays.
There will always be those bleating on about gay and the Bible. There will always be those who lie and manipulate the truth about what...

All Out
Hello, John ! Welcome! Yesterday, you took part in an All Out campaign – thanks! I wanted to tell you more about All Out and how you...

un fucking believable
Officers in Polk County went to a home on Saturday after a 911 call was made but nobody spoke. The officers concluded that nobody lived...

New Years Resolutions.
A New Year's resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western World but also found in the Eastern World, in which a person resolves...

Ex-Pope Benedict demonised LGBT+ people
As the Catholic world mourns the former Pope, we remember he was a vicious homophobe who said homosexuality was an "objective disorder" &...

52 acts of kindness: how to spread joy in every week of 2023
Whether fostering kittens, donating blood or delivering boxes of biscuits to striking workers, there has never been a better time to help...

People Who Were Forced To Choose Between Their Pet And Their Partner Explain What Happened
If it came between my dog or my partner, guess who would win ... Our pets are part of the family. Any person who doesn't get that is not...

By Allan Frankel, MD As a physician, I am (self-admittedly) a terrible patient. I rarely go for my annual physical, and when given...