trans rights or wrongs
Chris F. When I was growing up and when first on the gay scene in 1970, almost no one at all knew anything about cross dressing /...

The Spare
By Willian J. I was raised on a great estate - ruled over by my parents with a firm hand. I have to say that neither of them were...

Did the leopard eat the dog ?
This incident is from the resthouse adjacent to the Kombaru sanctuary in Karnataka. A leopard was chasing the dog. The dog entered the...

I died on 2019
John. Feel the need to share this with you. I died this time in 2019 Leaving a pub late at night with a friend, we were hit by a drunk...

NSFW! vintage male nudes from old Hollywood
Photographers started shooting male and female nudes soon after the invention of the camera. Following the introduction of moving film, a...

entitled women gets what's coming to her and its hilarious.
A man was left enraged by an "entitled stranger" after they had parked in his driveway while attending a party in his area. The man,...

This has to be the funniest man I have ever heard from.
I have inserted this piece below before, not long ago, and have had several of you ask for it again. NOW - THIS IS REAL - I HAVE NOT...

Archbishop of York speaks of shame in church's treatment of LGBT people
Archbishop of York speaks of shame in church's treatment of LGBT people as bishops allow same sex marriages to be blessed By Victoria...

it's here it's now and has been for 20 years community living for men come and join our other 'live in guests' and become part of the...

America bashing - 'Oh do grow the fuck up.'
Last week I got an e mail from someone complaining about how - in their opinion - I was America Bashing in last weeks Blog and also how I...

Anti-LGBTQ+ Preachers Warn Beer Is Bad Because It Makes Men 'More Feminine' In Unhinged VideosHate
Two anti-LGBTQ+ preachers are warning their male followers drinking beer is bad because it makes men "more feminine." In entirely...

2023 Timelines - Gary O'Toole - Astrologer
2023 Timelines How will the transits of 2023 impact the world? Gary O'Toole Every year brings its challenges and rewards. Some years...