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Seven Ways To Face Unemployment And Thrive During Quarantine

Seven Ways To Face Unemployment And Thrive During Quarantine

Some suggestions from Artur Meyster

The COVID-19 lockdown caused a massive job loss worldwide. Several companies stopped their operations and leaned on tech workers to survive. As a result, jobless workers found themselves in a stressful situation, and getting employed became a whole new challenge.

Dealing with the expenses without receiving any income can be overwhelming. For that reason, if you don't know what to do to face unemployment, here are seven ways to help you move forward.

Create a Plan to Reduce Utility Bills

Spending more time at home will significantly increase your electric and water bills. Hence, you need to create a savings plan to reduce your expenses. You should also avoid spending money on unnecessary shopping. If necessary, unsubscribe from services that are not essential. For example, if you have a subscription to receive make-up boxes each month or your favorite magazine, you can cancel it to reduce your monthly expenses.

To reduce the electric bill, you can set up all your devices on energy-saving mode. This will allow you to reduce your energy consumption and, at the same time, the money you spend. To reduce the water expenses, you should only use the water service for essential things like laundry or dishwashing. Avoid using water to wash your car or water the plants.

Spend Time With Your Family and Relax

One of the best ways to face unemployment is to spend time with your family. Of course, spending time with your loved ones won't help you to make money. But, stress and frustration won’t allow you to think straight, and you might make bad decisions. You need to clear your mind and relax. Play some board games to enjoy your time at home. You can even get some exercise; it will allow you to relieve stress.

Clearing your mind will get in the right mood to make a new plan. The world has changed due to COVID-19—if you want to get employed, you need to change the way you approach employers.

Change Your Mindset and Set New Goals to Stay Motivated

To get back on track, you'll need to change your mindset and set new goals. Facing unemployment is not easy, but your motivation is what will allow you to succeed. Keep a positive attitude to make the best decisions and avoid giving up. When people have a positive mindset, they find solutions instead of problems.

Setting short-term and long-term goals is important. Keep in mind that short-term goals are essential to take small steps toward achieving long-term goals. You should also make a list of your personal and professional goals. They will help you to make a decision during your job hunt.

Apply for Unemployment Benefits

If you have no savings in your bank account or you are running out of money, you should apply for unemployment benefits. No matter if you're completely jobless or you experienced a significant reduction in your working hours, you can still qualify.

Individuals typically receive payments for an average of 26 weeks. The amount they receive is often half of what they were making in their regular jobs. Still, depending on your needs and dependents, you may receive a higher amount. You should apply as soon as possible to get your check. The high amount of applications is making processing and administering claims a challenge for states.

Take Online Classes to Upskill

If you're unemployed because of the lack of tech skills, you can take online courses to learn. Many vocational schools offer free coding resources to help students stay relevant. Before starting a course, you should see what employers are looking for in their new hirings. This will allow you to identify what skills you need to meet their requirements.

Since customers spend more time online, most employers are looking for candidates with web development and mobile development skills. Hence, you should get equipped with in-demand programming tools like JavaScript, Python, Java, and SQL.

Learning JavaScript will allow you to become a full stack developer. Because JavaScript is an excellent tool for front end and back end development, you'll be able to stand out from other candidates. On the other hand, SQL will allow you to deal with large pools of data and combine databases from multiple sources. In that case, employers won't hesitate to hire you because data is becoming more valuable every day.

Enroll In a Coding Bootcamp to Make a Career Change

During the coronavirus outbreak, several workers made a career change because of the increasing demand for remote workers. Learning tech skills allows you to accomplish your tasks from any place. So, you'll be able to work from home, and being unemployed will no longer take your sleep away. However, making a career change requires more than only learning a few skills. You need to do some research and identify what makes you feel inspired.

Several coding schools offer career support services to help students switch careers. Coding Dojo, for example, provides students with one-on-one sessions with a career advisor, comprehensive job-hunting workshops, and open forums with industry leaders. Given that, students are able to launch a lifelong tech career. Their courses cover subjects like CSS, HTML, Python, AWS, React, and more.

Use Social Networks to Become More Visible

Using social networks is a good way to become more visible and attract employers' attention. If want to find a job, take action now. If your creativity is what makes you move, you can use your Instagram profile as a portfolio. As you can make posts of your projects, you'll demonstrate what you are capable of.

On the other hand, you can take advantage of LinkedIn or Upwork to increase your chances of getting employed. Many hiring managers have been using LinkedIn to approach and hire potential workers. As it does the job of finding the right candidate much more comfortable, employers will find you with ease.

In Summary

Being unemployed during quarantine can indeed have adverse effects on your physical and mental health. To face this situation, do whatever you need to relieve stress and stay calm. Applying for unemployment benefits will help you deal with the expenses, and investing money in education is the best decision you can make. Education is becoming today's currency, and it will allow you to be ready for future challenges. Hence, no matter if you seek to update your skills or make a career change, be sure to learn from the best.

Artur Meyster Founder of Career Karma Twitter | LinkedIn

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