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Gary O'Toole astrology

Gary O'Toole

Mūla is one of the more 'dreadful' lunar mansions, representing the thing we dread the most, which is also the thing that connects us the most; that is, death. Mūla is ruled by the goddess of death. Yet without physical death, our lives would be meaningless. Mūla is about reconnecting to the truth of who we are beyond the body. This connection gives our lives more meaning.

There's a need to trim our lives during a New Moon in this star sign, symbolized by a bunch of roots tied together. By uprooting blocks to the fundamental truth of who we are, we can connect with our physical existence more profoundly. In other words, knowing that you will one day die enriches your life while you are still alive. And it allows you to rid yourself of things that no longer serve your purpose.

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