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If you don't .....

If you do not ' fill up' or even cry while watching - certainly the first video - then you have no heart at all.

Check it out and get a tissue ready. It is sad but truly beautiful.


This week, I took a coat into a repair shop to have a new zip fitted and the Ukrainian lady serving, saved me a lot of money by simply mending the old one. While she was doing her mending, I noticed a picture on the counter with a box for donations for rescue dogs in the Ukraine, and I spoke to her about it. She said her relatives run the centre in Ukraine and have housing for 50 dogs and are raising funds to build more kennels as they currently have over 250 dogs from people who escaped the war but left their animals to fend for themselves. Tragic, but in war, many pets are left behind and many do not survive.

I was so moved by the woman's story and how some people, with hearts of gold, do what they can to help - on the ground and in frightening situations, and I put every penny in cash I had on me in the box to help, and while it was only £38 - every penny counts.


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