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Thousands Of Catholic Nuns Declare Trans People 'Beloved And Cherished By God' In Open Letter

Thousands Of Catholic Nuns Declare Trans People 'Beloved And Cherished By God' In Open Letter

Over 6,000 nuns published an open letter for Trans Day of Visibility railing against anti-LGBTQ+ views in the Catholic church.


In an open letter, more than 6,000 Catholic nuns stated trans and non-binary people are "beloved and cherished by God," joining the fight for trans rights.

On Trans Day of Visibility, the Sisters of Saint Joseph Federation and a number of other Catholic organizations sent an open statement supporting the LGBTQ+ community and denouncing the recent wave of oppressive and discriminatory legislation that has been sweeping the US.

We mark March 31, International Day of Transgender Visibility, as a time to celebrate, acknowledge and uplift folks who identify as transgender, nonbinary and/or gender-expansive."

"We know our actions and commitments must extend beyond this day’s observance.”

The Gospel call of unifying love compels us to actively interrupt harmful interactions in daily life and dismantle the systems that reinforce this rhetoric and violence in society..."

"We will remain oppressors until we—as vowed Catholic religious—acknowledge the existence of LGBTQ+ people in our own congregations.”

Changes in the Catholic Church's acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community are happening.

Pope Francis commented recently the Roman Catholic Church still views homosexuality as a sin in the context any sexual activity outside of marriage is a sin, but not that homosexual sex is a different category.

Going further and in defiance of church authority, priests in Belgium recently began blessing same-sex unions, not in the same way as a marriage sacrament, but a blessing nevertheless.


JB Responds


It is absolute delight to see this report - and it just goes to show that the ordinary person in the street - well in this case - ordinary nuns - go against the rule book and the Boss - The Pope - in following God's true meaning of love for their fellow man and women and trans and so forth - as an alternative expression of God - and speak out against bigotry and fear based rhetoric so often ranted by the church and while maybe not saying so in words, the action of these nuns sends a loud message of acceptance.

The Catholic Church ( priests ) and some nuns - well the Magdalene Sisters - have an appalling reputation of abuse and murder of young girls in their care over the centuries, and it is no surprise millions have turned away from their catholic upbringing because of the constant media attention surrounding paedophile priests - abusive nuns and so much more - and it does make me wonder how this abusive institution survives in the modern day of the mass of people SEEING what has been done and how the church has deliberately hidden these abuses and swept them under the carpet and in so many occasions, attempted to hide these paedophile priests from prosecution and even - as in Boston Massachusetts, gone bankrupt rather than pay compensation to the thousands of children abused by its priests.

This is an institution that claims to be doing God's work, when CLEARELY, nothing - NOTHING - could be further from the truth.

While I appreciate is may be a small number compared to the amount of good and decent priests and nuns out there, the very fact that the Boss - the Pope, still has a backward view of things, as do the vast majority of Bishops and higher ups - this corrupt and evil system will always be plagued by abuses as long as it is covered up and denied.

Time for the church to do some spring cleaning.


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