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Damanhur shares some truths on our current situation.

Will wars ever end? It is a legitimate question: the war in Ukraine is just one of those that still pits human beings against each other. Politics since time immemorial is always made up of narratives and "logic"; different interpretations of the world, values, definitions of what is really important, and of what is secondary.

Are human beings fundamentally social or competitive? What does freedom mean? What does it mean to be civil vs barbarian, strong vs weak, owner vs property? Is diversity a value or a risk? Societies have been born over centuries as a result of thoughts, theories, visions of the world being proposed as answers to these and a thousand other questions.

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Empires ancient and new, as well as the contemporary states arose on an ancestral worldview linked to survival. Borders have shifted, the strategic resources redistributed, but the great logic that have woven our history have remained the same; the search for security, obtainable only through the balance of power, of an illusory well-being, of a sense of moral superiority over all that is foreign and the natural world... And this is the mechanism that had led us to today, to a wounded planet, and to a humanity in constant conflict, more evident when it gets closer to our homes.

Security, conflict and how we can build a new world

It is not necessary to deny our history, the tendency to conflict which is the other medal of the desire to cooperate, but we need to change the narrative, values ​​and perspectives together. A vision of the world made up of nations will not help us to change the paradigm, but one of the possible solutions is to evolve in the appreciation and respect of the Peoples. Territories, cultures, communities; a renewed relationship both with out origins, traditions and meanings, rediscovered, renewed and reinterpreted in a constant dialogue, both with nature and the land that host us. A dimension that gives a new meaning to both the stationary way of living and the relationship with one's home, travels and exchanges, and the discovery of the wonderful variety of our planet.

Valuing the diversity of Peoples and their wisdom becoming a beacon of a new world

…where exchange and dialogue are the main tools for pursuing evolution through discussion, that brings politics closer to citizens.

At Damanhur we believe that education for respect and dialogue between diversities, fostering empathy and understanding both between humans and with the planet that hosts us, are the tools to raise awareness and the consequent social, political, economic and cultural changes indispensable to enter the New Era with hope and to be able to say that wars are behind us.

Damanhur, Federation of Communities · Via Pramarzo 3 · Baldissero Canavese, Torino 10080 · Italy



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