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How to Prevent UTIs: 6 Foods and 3 Supplements

John Bellamy Comments: I have had Flu decades ago and was in bed for 16 days and it then took me a further 2 - 3 weeks to recover from.

I have had Hep. A also decades ago and exactly the same thing, three weeks in bed and then another 2 - 3 weeks to recover and regain my lost weight and strength.

Last year, 2022, I had a Urinary Tract Infection and it took weeks to be diagnosed and then MONTH AFTER MONTH with it reinfection and just not going. After 5 courses of antibiotics - YES 5 - and after 8 hours ON THE FLOOR at the local A&E ( because I was just so weak I could not even sit in a chair ) and after the entire summer spent shivering in bed all through the hottest summer in decades, and where I was frozen cold for hours and then sweating buckets the next ( infection ) I am STILL not completely over it and have flash backs, shivers and things that remind and it has now been 11 months since it first started. It is VERY SERIOUS and PLEASE do not take tis lightly, as us ' older men' can be brought down, as I was, from a strong working 7 days a week person to a weak, bed ridden wreck of a human being unable to hardly even get to the toilet and pee let alone cook meals and in my case, run a business, and thank goodness for Woody and Gary.

There are few common infections as irritating as a UTI. Significantly reduce your risks with these 6 foods and 3 supplements.

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If you’ve had one – which you probably have – you already know what a pain urinary tract infections (UTIs) can be – literally! UTIs are painful, disruptive and incredibly common: Over half of adult women have had a UTI. Many have several recurrences every year. It happens when bacteria travel into the urethra, the duct through which urine passes. Women are more susceptible because the female urethra is shorter than in men, but guys can get them too.

Left untreated, UTIs can pose serious complications. These include recurrent infections, urethral narrowing and even kidney damage. While UTIs may not be completely avoidable, dietary choices can help reduce your risk. Focus on anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and immune-boosting meals and drink plenty of water. Also, try these six foods to ward off bacteria and protect your insides.

Foods to Beat UTIs

1. Cranberry Juice Cranberry juice may help prevent UTIs by keeping bacteria from adhering to the lining of the urinary tract. Though research is mixed, many studies show cranberry juice can decrease the recurrence of UTIs. A recent meta-analysis of seven clinical trials in healthy women found cranberry reduced the risk of developing a UTI by 26%. Because most cranberry juice drinks are loaded with sugar, stick to cranberry concentrates and mix them with water, or simply use the whole fruit. Try this: Sweeten cranberry juice concentrate with a little honey or stevia then mix with cherry juice, sparkling water and a squeeze of lime; chop whole cranberries in a food processor then combine with minced red onion, mango cubes, cilantro and a squeeze of lime for a zesty salsa. See also: Fiery Cranberry Sauce Recipe

2. Broccoli Broccoli is high in vitamin C. This helps make the urine more acidic, hampering the growth of UTI-causing bacteria. In one study of pregnant women, those who took vitamin C had a significantly lower risk of developing a UTI. Vitamin C also famously aids immune function overall, boosting the body’s resistance to infection. Other foods high in vitamin C are bell peppers, leafy greens, strawberries, Brussels sprouts and oranges. Try this: Grate broccoli stems and combine with shredded carrots and red cabbage, thinly sliced scallions and a dressing of yogurt, honey and apple cider vinegar; toss broccoli florets with olive oil, garlic and Kalamata olives and roast.

3. Cinnamon Cinnamon (Try: Simply Organic Ground Cinnamon) has long been used for its antibacterial properties. It’s rich in compounds that reduce inflammation and hamper the growth of bacteria and other pathogens. Some studies show that cinnamon compounds prevent the colonization of E. coli in the bladder and urethra. This is the bacteria responsible for most UTIs. Cinnamon, an anti-inflammatory agent, may also ease some of the discomfort associated with UTIs. Try this: Combine cinnamon sticks, sliced ginger, cardamom pods and vanilla bean in a pot of water, simmer for 10 minutes and strain for caffeine-free chai; mix ground cinnamon into raw honey and coconut oil and use instead of butter on pancakes or toast. 4. Papaya Papaya, like broccoli, is loaded with vitamin C. This supports immune function and increases the acidity of urine, hampering bacterial growth. It’s also rich in carotenoids like beta-carotene and lycopene. These are antioxidants with powerful immune-boosting properties. Some studies show carotenoids from papaya are three times more bioavailable than carotenoids from carrots or tomatoes. Sweet potatoes, mangos and leafy greens are also high in carotenoids.

Try this: Combine chopped papaya with pineapple, coconut and mint for an easy tropical salad; cook papayas in coconut milk with onions, garlic and curry powder, purée into a creamy soup and top with chopped basil. See also: 7 Nutrients That Improve Your Vision

5. Kefir Kefir, a beverage made from fermented milk, is rich in probiotics. Probiotics are gut-beneficial bacteria that may help prevent UTIs by keeping harmful bacteria from growing in the vagina where they can migrate to the urinary tract and cause infections. Studies suggest probiotics help protect against UTIs and prevent their recurrence; they’ve also been shown to reduce inflammation and support the immune system’s ability to fight infection. Other good sources of probiotics: yogurt, sauerkraut and kimchi. Try this: Purée kefir, papaya, cardamom and honey in a blender for a traditional lassi; combine kefir, quick oats, chia seeds, vanilla and cinnamon and let stand until thick for easy, no-cook oats. See also: The Best Fermented Foods for Your Gut

6. Garlic Garlic is high in allicin and other compounds that have antibacterial and antimicrobial activities and enhance immune function. It has been shown to protect against a variety of bacteria, including E. coli, and studies suggest it can be an effective treatment for recurring UTIs. In one study, garlic extract had more antibacterial activity against UTI pathogens than commonly used drugs. Because allicin is easily damaged by heat, raw garlic is the most effective. Try this: Press whole garlic cloves in a garlic press, add to olive oil and drizzle over cooked vegetables; finely mince garlic and whisk with minced ginger, miso paste, rice vinegar and sesame oil for an easy Asian dressing.

1. D-Mannose D-Mannose is a sugar that occurs naturally in many fruits and vegetables and it may help prevent UTIs. A number of studies have shown that D-mannose can inhibit the adhesion of bacteria to cells in the urinary tract, binding to them and then allowing them to be eliminated via urination. A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial has shown that 2 grams per day of D-mannose were superior to placebo and as effective as the antibiotic nitrofurantoin in preventing UTIs. In another study, D-mannose reduced UTI symptoms in women with an active infection and was more effective than antibiotics for preventing infections.

2. Cranberry Supplements Made from powdered cranberry juice, these supps contain proanthocyanidins (PACs), antioxidants that have been shown to inhibit adherence of E. coli, the bacteria most commonly linked to UTIs, to cells lining the urinary tract. Several reviews have found cranberry products significantly reduced the incidence of UTIs after 12 months compared with a placebo in women with recurrent infections. Some studies show cranberry can decrease recurrences by 30 to 40% in premenopausal women with recurrent UTIs. And while some studies show prophylactic antibiotics are slightly more effective than cranberry capsules, they also found antibiotics had more adverse effects. These include risk of antimicrobial resistance and infection from C. difficile or fungi. While dosages varied, most studies used 500 milligrams of cranberry fruit powder per day. 3. Probiotics Beneficial bacteria that prevent the overgrowth of pathogens, probiotics may protect against UTIs. Studies suggest certain Lactobacilli strains interfere with the adherence, growth and colonization of pathogenic bacteria and restore healthy bacteria in the urogenital tract. In one study, women who used a vaginal suppository containing Lactobacillus strains had significantly fewer UTIs. Researchers believe oral probiotics also hold promise since they don’t lead to antibiotic resistance or overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria. We independently source all of the products that we feature on If you buy from the links on our site, we may receive an affiliate commission, which in turn supports our work.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are usually caused by bacteria from poo entering the urinary tract. The bacteria enter through the tube that carries pee out of the body (urethra). Women have a shorter urethra than men. This means bacteria are more likely to reach the bladder or kidneys and cause an infection.

A urinary tract infection is an infection of your bladder, kidneys or the tubes connected to them.

Symptoms of a urinary tract infection include a sudden need to pee and pain or a burning sensation when peeing. You can usually treat a urinary tract infection with things like painkillers and drinking plenty of fluids. A GP may prescribe antibiotics. Urinary tract infections are usually caused by bacteria from poo entering the urinary tract so bare back fucking can easily give you poo down your willy and cause an UTI.

What are 3 symptoms of a UTI?


  • A strong urge to urinate that doesn't go away.

  • A burning feeling when urinating.

  • Urinating often, and passing small amounts of urine.

  • Urine that looks cloudy.

  • Urine that appears red, bright pink or cola-colored — signs of blood in the urine.

  • Strong-smelling urine.

Is UTI infection serious?

Upper UTIs can be serious if left untreated, as they could damage the kidneys or spread to the bloodstream.


It led to me having a Kidney Infection and that caused the doctors much concern as the hot and cold fever - all through the hottest summer for decades, put me in bed covered in quilts to keep warm or towels to mop up the sweat. It also switches off your brain - a bit - as I could not watch a movie as I kept loosing the plot. My memory was shot. Thank goodness for YouTube and all the 15 minute things on there that kept me entertained.


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