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Hamilton Hall is the only 'men only' hotel in the UK specializing in events for gay, bi, trans and straight men and where all men are welcome. Clothing Optional. Sexual, Self and Spiritual Development of Mind, Body and Soul of Men.

'Nourish your soul - as well as your arsehole'

just our little joke

Many hotels claim to be ' gay owned and run' and this is not true, they are not exclusively men only or gay venues but 'gay friendly' and this allows men, women and children to stay and this is not what is claimed or expected.

Unike every business in the land that must offer service to everyone,
so  every venue has to be gay friendly, black, asian, chinese etc friendly,

disabled friendly, women friendly, ethnic minority friendly, straight friendly,
wanker banker friendly
( well hang on a minute - even we have limits ... ) 

Hamilton Hall is not gay friendly but is exclusively MEN ONLY -
and be you gay, bi, straight, trans, queer, interested, a virgin or even
Donald Trump - every man in welcome as we are all more than

just sexual beings and we all have more to offer.

We offer various events that are aimed at gay & bisexual men otherwise any time of the year we are exclusively for men and you will not find women and children in the venue.
Many hotels claim to be ' gay friendly' and you will be amongst families and this is not always what you want. Mixing cultures and lifestyles is not always appropriate.  Training your staff to be accepting of peoples differences is one thing - but you do not have governance over other customers who may very well throw homophobic abuse and you will not feel safe.  Expecting peoples attitudes to change just because the law has been brought up to date does not mean peoples opinions are up to date and it will be a generation before attitudes change.  Safety is important to us here and even more so in light of the Orlando massacre

and while we have never - ever - had any homophobic troubles at Hamilton Hall - even though we have been on the front of the local paper several times and on international TV many times, all the locals I have spoken to are very accepting and often intrigued but never abusive or afraid. 

Be very careful where you stay as many venues claim all sorts of things that are simply not true.


all shapes, ages and sizes very welcome

for those who thought this picture was of me - sorry to disappoint  - but it is not.     However,  all shapes and sizes welcome and we get few porn stars and few Brad Pitts staying and mostly are just like you and me - ordinary ( as far as ordinary goes ... ) people with flabby bits, wobbly bits,  bits that are either too small or too big and not always what we would want but at Hamilton Hall, all these parts are accepted and appreciated as part of what makes you - YOU.


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